Table of Contents:
- Introduction
- Log in to Engage
- Update Your Profile
- Accept/Decline Mentor Request
- Add or Edit a Session
- Update a Client’s Mentoring Request Status
- Add a New Client
Audience: All Active Mentor
This guide contains the steps on how to accomplish common Mentor tasks in Engage. A How-to-Video is also provided after each topic.
Note: To view the full list of notifications for the Client Mentoring Journey, click here. (You must be signed into your account.)
Log in to Engage
1) Open a browser of your choice, such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Safari.
2) In the address bar, type in and press Enter or Command key on your keyboard. This will direct you to the Engage login page.
3) On the Engage login page, click the "Sign In with Google" button. This will allow you to sign in using your SCORE Google credentials.
4) When prompted, enter your email address and password to log in. If you have not yet been provided with a email account, pelase contact
Click here to access more detailed instructions on how to log in to Engage.
Update Your Profile
- From the Engage homepage, select My Profile from the top navigation bar.
- Click the Edit button.
- Optional: Check the box to Accept Direct Request if you want to appear in Client Search results for a Mentor. The new business policy states that all profiles for volunteers with a classification of Mentor and a status of Active will be visible on the website.
- Click Save to submit any changes made to your profile.
Uploading a picture is a requirement for all mentors.
- To upload an image, click Upload Picture.
- Then, click Choose File and select the photo from your computer.
- Click Upload and the image will then be saved as your new profile picture
Click here to access more detailed instructions on how to update your profile.
Accept/Decline Mentor Request
When a client mentoring request is assigned to a mentor, they an email regarding a request case assigned to them, and they are required to either Accept/Decline the request.
- From the Engage homepage, click My Client Requests (Need Action).
- Click View to open the Client Mentoring Request Details page.
- Click the Accept/Decline Request button.
- To accept the request, select Accept Assignment and click Next. Enter your note to the client and click Next. The accepted request will now appear in My Client Requests (Assigned).
To decline a request, select Decline Assignment and click Next. Enter the reason for declining and click Next. The client mentoring request will return to the Client Intake Queue and the Client Intake Coordinator will be notified to reassign the request.
Click here to access more info on how to manage your mentoring requests.
Add or Edit A Session
- From the Home Page, click My Client Requests under My Client Mentoring section.
- Locate the client for whom you want to add a session and click View to access their mentoring request record.
- Click the Add/Edit Session button. If no sessions are available for editing, the system will direct you to a single-screen setup to create a new session bypassing the window that allows you to select an existing and editable (for the current month) session.
- Review and enter all the mentoring details in this single-screen setup.
- Automatic Information Defaults - Chapter Location, Nature of Mentoring, Mentoring Type
- Mentoring Hours (not visible on the page) - Defaulted to 1 hour
Did the Client Start A New Business?
- Respond YES - If the client started their business during the period that they were working with SCORE in any capacity (e.g. mentoring, workshops, etc.).
- No documentation needed.
- Selecting "Yes" will activate the fields below, requiring you to provide the Business Name and Type of Business which will be automatically populated with the information from the Mentoring Request details. If not, manually enter Business Name and select its Type of Business from the provided list.
- On the confirmation window, click X to exit the window OR click Next on the confirmation window to modify other information on your session notes:
- Chapter/Branch Information (required action: check Edit Location Details)
- Adjust Mentoring Hours - if you prefer a duration other than the default one hour
- Upload Files
- Add Co-Mentor and their co-mentoring session hours
- Update Client Information
- Update Business Information
Click here to access more detailed instructions on how to add or edit a mentoring session.
Update A Client’s Mentoring Request Status
1) To manually update a client’s mentoring request status, click any of the My Client Requests links.
2) Find the client from the list and click View.
3) Click the drop-down arrow and select Update Status.
4) Update the case status and/or mark the client as contacted by checking the box.
- The status of Submitted, In progress, and Reassigned are often updated automatically by the system.
- Select Withdrawn if the client changed their mind about needing SCORE services. Also, check box Mark as Contacted.
- Select No Response from Client after mentor attempted at least three times to contact the client. Also, check box Mark as Contacted.
- Select Incorrect Contact Information if you were not able to reach due to the incorrect contact information provided. Also, check box Mark as Contacted.
- Select No Show if the session was schedule but the client did not attend. Also, check box Mark as Contacted.
- Select Complete if all client questions have been answered and their needs have been met. Also, check box Mark as Contacted.
- Any of these statuses (Unable to Contact, Withdrawn, and Complete) will remove client requests from the Not Yet Counseled and the Needs Action list views.
5) Click Save after updating the status.
Click here to access more detailed instructions on how to update a client's mentoring request status.
Add A New Client
- First, conduct a search for the client to confirm that they do not already have a record in Engage. From the Engage homepage, type their first and last name or email address in the global search box and click Search.
- If no contact record exists, click the link near the top of the page that reads “To create a new client contact record click here”. Please click the link to start the client creation. Only a Mentor (classification) will see this link to create a new client contact record.
- On the next screen, enter the client’s First Name, Last Name, Email address, Phone number, and Zip code. Then, click Next. Note: For each unique client, you must collect their first name, last name, email address, phone number, and zip code. This is an SBA requirement.
- The page will confirm that a record has been created. Select Click Here on the screen to access the newly created record. If you have multiple client contact records to create, click Finish to repeat the process.
Note: On a client's contact record, there is an option to Run Report. Use this option if you are adding a returning client and you want to view their sessions from CORE.
- To create a mentoring request, click Add/Edit Session If there are no existing mentoring requests, a window to create a new mentoring request will be available.
- Enter the client’s mentoring question(s) and click Next.
- If a session has already taken place, please select Create New Session and click Next. If a session has not yet taken place, click the X to exit the screen.
Click here to access more detailed instructions on how to add a client.
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