Audience: Mentor, Client Intake Coordinator, Volunteer Intake Coordinator
This guide outlines the procedure for mentors to temporarily pause their capacity to receive mentoring requests. By entering a Pause Start Date and Pause End Date, mentors can stop new client assignments from Client Intake Coordinators and stop direct client requests via
Table of Contents
Steps to Setting Pause in Engage
Set Pause Mentor Assignment
1.) From the homepage, navigate to My Profile via the top navigation bar.
2.) In your profile, find and click the Edit button to begin making changes.
3) To adjust your availability, simply navigate to the Mentors Request Settings section of your profile and locate the Pause Mentor Assignments fields, and set both a Pause Mentor Assignments Start Date and a Pause Mentor Assignments End Date to define your pause period.
- Pause Mentor Assignments box: When this box is checked, it signifies that you are on pause.
Pause Mentor Assignments Start Date: Enter the date you would like to start the pause of mentor request assignments.
- Selecting the current date for Pause Mentor Assignments Start Date immediately activates your pause status on that day.
- For a future date selection, the pause status begins the day after your entered date, with the system activating the pause at 11:59 pm of the chosen date.
- Best Practice: It's recommended to set the start date a few workdays before a vacation or break. This allows you time to assist any new clients assigned prior to the pause.
- Pause Mentor Assignments End Date: As a required field, enter an end time that Engage will use to resume your capacity to accept assignments again.
- Pause Mentor Assignments Time (in Days): Shows the number of days the mentor has paused mentor assignments.
Notes and Limitations:
- Timezone is set to the mentor's primary chapter affiliation.
- Pause Mentor Assignments: The checkbox is no longer clickable. The checkbox selection and deselection are now triggered by the start date and end date fields.
- Mentors do not need to uncheck the Accept Direct Request box manually when on pause. Engage will automatically make your online profile in our website as not available when Pause Mentoring Assignments is enabled. For more information, view this guide - Mentor Profile Visibility On the Website.
- When the volunteer status is moved to Inactive, Resigned and Terminated, Engage will automatically remove the dates in the PAUSE mentoring fields.
11/22/2023 - Added another line in Notes and Limitations
4/12/2024 - Updated information regarding Accept Direct Request and Pause based on the new website rules -see Notes and Limitations section on this guide.
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