SCORE's vision is to give every person the support they need to thrive as a small business owner. Thanks to our improved database in Engage, we are able to identify areas of opportunity to serve more clients, or re-engage clients that may need SCORE assistance again in the future, and don’t realize that SCORE is truly for the life of their business.
You can find information about clients and mentoring requests that have not been served in the following SCORE BIRT reports:
- Client Conversion Report
- Clients Not Yet Contacted
- Clients Not Yet Assigned
- Clients Not Yet Counseled
We know that these reports don't always tell the whole store. That's why we’ve identified a few steps you can take to review the open mentoring cases, and what actions can be taken to resolve them:
Clients Not Yet Assigned
- Is there a Client Intake Coordinator for the chapter? Need to add another CIC? The Chapter Manager can Assign/Update volunteers to the CIC position.
- CIC - To navigate to the Client Intake Queue, click the Client Requests –Need Action link under Chapter Client Mentoring.
- CIC - Review Guide:
- Client has duplicate cases and is already being served? If the client has multiple email addresses, our system would not have been able to catch that. You can email to consolidate duplicate client records.
Clients Not Yet Accepted
- Check in with the assigned mentor. Are they able to accept the assignment?
- Case Assignment - The CIC can change the case owner when they know that the assigned mentor will not be able to accept/decline the request without having to wait 5 business days for the system to put it back in the Client Intake Queue.
Clients Not Yet Contacted
- Check in with the mentor. Have they been able to contact the client?
- Perhaps they need to update the client Mentoring Request status to ‘unable to contact’ or ‘withdrawn.’
Clients Not Yet Counseled
- Check in with the mentor. If they’ve met with the client, they just need to record the session.
- Can’t connect with the client? Update the client Mentoring Request status to ‘unable to contact’ or ‘withdrawn.’
Mentor accepted but no longer has the capacity?
- Help mentor adjust their request limit or pause mentoring assignments.
- If mentor wishes to step back for a longer term, Volunteer status may need to be updated to ‘Inactive’ or ‘Resigned.’
- CIC - Client may need to be reassigned. Or Mentor can refer client to another mentor.
Mentor is no longer with SCORE?
- Did client submit a duplicate request, and is already being served? Update the open client Mentoring Request status to ‘withdrawn.’
- Client never served? CIC - Client needs to be reassigned. As some time has passed you may want to reach out to the client to let them know you’ve found a new mentor for them.
If your chapter is concerned about capacity, please let us know. Here are a couple options for still helping these clients while we work with you to find a longer term solution.
- Consider if the client might need to be reassigned to another area or SCORE chapter
- Email clients to let them know that, we understand they may not have seen a SCORE mentor yet. We are working on finding someone who can assist, and they are always welcome to browse available mentors across the country and directly request someone via our website:
- Remind clients of the variety of free national webinars and local workshops available to them to get assistance in the meantime:
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