Client impact handouts are developed in March of each year based on the Client Engagement Survey results.
**Reminder: Please update any national statistics you are using in your marketing materials, on the SCORE website, or otherwise to reflect the current Fiscal Year 2023 numbers.**
Ideas for using Impact Sheets:
- Use this customizable press release template to share updated impact numbers with your local media in recognition of National Volunteer Month in April! Visit the Public Relations Resources for tips on creating a press list and more.
- Social media features - SCORE HQ will post the new national impact numbers on supported Chapter social media platforms as part of the Chapter Social Media Program. Your local social media chair can layer in additional posts touting state or local stats, as well!
- Update your chapter website with State and/or National Impact stats.
- Share with your Local Representatives!
2023 Client Impact
As of 03/11/2024 SCORE will only provide Impact Data Sheets at the National-level and state-levels (that meet response rate criteria). SCORE will continue to review our survey structure and analysis methodology to ensure it is in line with industry accepted standards and thoroughly reflects, captures and effectively communicates SCORE’s impact.
FY23 Client Engagement Survey Results
SCORE continues to refine our annual client survey results reporting methodology. We recognize that we must ensure that our survey structure and analysis methodology continues to be in line with industry accepted standards and thoroughly reflects, captures and demonstrates SCORE’s impact.
Accordingly, this year we have determined that we will provide the Client Impact data at the National and State levels only. The extrapolation of the data at the chapter level were not always reaching the best-in-class standards. We want to represent SCORE in the best and most accurate way possible and the state-level data provides that for the organization.
SCORE 2023 Client Engagement/Impact Survey Methodology please go to:
For more Chapter resources and details on how access the Client Engagement Survey National and State Impact data as well as how to access chapter level results from the PwC Listen Platform (portal) please go to:
Chapters can utilize the National and State Impact sheets, in conjunction with data from Engage Reports, BIRT Reports, and the PwC Listen portal, in support of Social Media and Marketing, DEI Initiatives, Fundraising and Grants, etc. Below is a quick list of some specific resources your chapter may find helpful. Please keep in mind that some reports are accessible by position and that this is not an exhaustive list. If you have additional questions, please reach out to
PwC Listen Portal:
- For Chapters that have met the minimum required amount of responses:
- Count of clients that responded to the survey
- Average Client Engagement Index score (5 being highest)
- Client reported demographic information (found toward the end of the “Multi-Select Questions drop down)
- Percentage of client favorability to specific questions
- The ability to drill down further into the widget groups by clicking on the title
- For Chapters that have met the minimum required amount of responses:
BIRT Performance Dashboard Report:
- An overview of chapter performance metrics in the selected timeframe.
- Unique Clients Mentored
- Count of Total Mentoring Sessions and Local In-Person Workshops
- Local In-Person Workshop Attendance
- Total Local services
- National Webinar views and attendance information
- Overall Total (local and national) Services
- Net Promoter Score (NPS)
- Count of Volunteers
- Percentage of Volunteers that are in a minority group
- Percentage of Volunteers that are Women
- An overview of chapter performance metrics in the selected timeframe.
MRE Clients, Specifically:
BIRT Client Information Report:
- Information on Mentoring Clients that have requested a session, in the selected timeframe, by chapter location. Clients appear on this report regardless of if they have had a session or not. Please use the “mentoring_session_exists” column to sort by those clients that have had a session and those that have not. Accessible by Client Intake Coordinators.
- Zip Code
- Demographic
- If they are a new or returning (have had a session) clients
- Date of MRE creation
BIRT Client Session Summary Report
- Information on Mentoring Clients that have requested AND received a session, in the selected timeframe, by chapter location. Clients appear on this report ONLY if they have received service in the form of a session. Accessible by Client Intake Coordinators.
- Zip Code
- State
- Language
- Limited Session and MRE information
BIRT All Clients Not Yet_Counseled Reports
- Information on Mentoring Clients that have requested and have NOT received a session, in the selected timeframe, by chapter location. Accessible by Client Intake Coordinators.
- Zip Code
- City
- State
- Date of MRE creation
- MRE specific information
- Client NID
Event Clients, Specifically:
BIRT Local Event Attendees Report (a.k.a. “Local Workshop Client Leads Report”)
- Information on local event attendees. Records are by event name, so you may need to narrow information down by email address, to get unique client information.
- Zip Code
- State
- Event that was viewed and how many times it was viewed
- Likelihood they would recommend the event
- If they are an existing client
- If they are a mentored client
- Information on local event attendees. Records are by event name, so you may need to narrow information down by email address, to get unique client information.
BIRT National Online Workshop Client Leads Report
- If you select “National” as Workshop Type
- Information on attendees of an online course or event, accessed from the National Page, but having a ZIP code in the Chapter service area. local event attendees.
- Includes Workshop Name
- Date Viewed and how many times it was viewed
- If they have subscribed to the Newsletter
- If they have opted in to Sponsor Emails
- Export includes more information like:
- If they are an existing client
- If they are a mentored client
- Workshop Type
- If you select “National” as Workshop Type
- If you select “Chapter” as Workshop Type
- Information on attendees of a recorded webinar, accessed from the Chapter Page
- Date Viewed and how many times it was viewed
- If they have subscribed to the Newsletter
- If they have opted in to Sponsor Emails
- Export includes more information like:
- If they are an existing client
- If they are a mentored client
- Workshop Type
- If you select “Chapter” as Workshop Type
- BIRT Local Event Evaluations Reports (a.k.a. “Local Events NPS Summary Chapter Level” and “Local Events NPS Survey Detail Chapter Level” )
- NPS information for the selected timeframe
- Evaluation of local event information
Local Workshops by Chapter
- Partner workshop total number of attendees (Partner workshops designated with a "P" at the beginning in the Workshop_ID column. Please note: attendees to partner events may not appear in our other reports, if no attendee list was provided
- Total Attendee by workshop
- Attendee Hours
- Type of Workshop
- No Show information
- Fee information
- Sponsor/Co-Sponsor information
Also please keep in mind the definition for "Total National Recorded Webinars Attendance" on MIS and Dashboard reports is: "Total number of attendees that viewed a Recorded Online Webinar(s) during the selected time frame.
- These webinars are are accessed by the client on the national website. Clients are assigned to chapters based on their zip code. The Performance Dashboard report will not reflect the full month on this metric, until the 20th of the following month (e.g. April will be updated/complete on May 20th). You can see these details of these event attendees on the "National Online Workshop Client Leads" BIRT report, by selecting "National", but please note that not all of these attendee information is added to our reporting database/reports, other than as a raw number.
Additional Training and Information:
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