For the most up to date announcements related to chapter social media efforts, please subscribe to our newsletter and register for our webinar.
January 10, 2025
Celebrate: National Mentoring Month Campaign with @SBAgov
Our collaborative #NationalMentoringMonth social campaign with the SBA is live, and we are so excited to kick off 2025 by spotlighting the amazing volunteers that make an impact in small business communities throughout the US. SCORE Savannah mentor Lizz Smoak is our first feature! Check out (and share 😁) her video below.
Watch Lizz answer a user-submitted small business question!
December 5, 2024
Announcement: SOCi Genius AI Integration Coming Soon
Genius Reviews and Genius Search are two new products from SOCi designed to simplify and streamline how multi-location organizations like SCORE manage online reviews and optimize local profile listings using advanced AI technology. We are always exploring ways to enhance the Chapter Social Media Program, and we are excited to roll BOTH of these tools out in January! Join our December webinar to learn more and explore the SOCi Genius Suite ahead of time below.
View a teaser of the new SOCi Genius AI features here.
November 8, 2024
New: FY25 Optional Social Media Advertising Packages
Hiper has managed over 800 local digital ad campaigns for SCORE chapters since 2017. Combining Hiper's extensive experience with HQ's knowledge of evolving chapter needs, we are excited to launch updates to the optional, paid social advertising packages available to chapters. With turnkey AND custom solutions, the Hiper team looks forward to helping you achieve your chapter or district goals!
View the new paid social media advertising options here.
September 19, 2024
New: 60th Anniversary Celebration Campaign Toolkit
This October marks 60 years of SCORE's service to America's small businesses!
To celebrate this important milestone, SCORE HQ is launching a year-long campaign to recognize our history, honor our incredible volunteers, and uplift the small businesses that SCORE is helping to achieve success every day. We invite you to join the celebration by promoting SCORE in your community. To get started, we have created a chapter toolkit to make it easy for you to participate.
Check out the 60th Anniversary Celebration Campaign Toolkit here.
August 5, 2024
Now Available: Q3 Chapter Social Media Program Performance Report
Take a deep dive into the Q3 performance of the Chapter Social Media Program. This report shares the high level aggregate performance of all chapter social media channels supported by the program, as well as deeper insights related to our current strategies. The report also includes instructions on determining how your chapter measures up and communicating your performance with your stakeholders.
Review the Chapter Social Media Program performance here.
July 12, 2024
Extended: FY24 Social Media Local Workshop Pilot
The local workshop pilot has officially been extended through the end of this fiscal year! Our objectives are to help chapters promote their workshops in an effective and scalable way, increase awareness of workshop offerings and drive more traffic to We will continue publishing weekly posts on chapter Facebook and LinkedIn Pages to highlight upcoming workshops.
Learn more about the Social Media Local Workshop Pilot here.
June 21, 2024
BONUS: Hiper Offering Advertising Workshop on June 27
Because our standard June webinar was canceled in honor of Juneteenth, Hiper is offering a special webinar during this month's office hours to help you create a social media advertising plan for FY25. This session will equip you to effectively manage your chapter's digital marketing budget and develop a media plan designed to recruit new volunteers/clients, drive workshop attendance and/or build brand awareness.
Register for Hiper's Monthly Office Hours here.
May 3, 2024
New: FY24 Social Media Local Workshop Pilot
Our new pilot is officially underway! Our objectives are to help chapters promote their workshops in an effective and scalable way, increase awareness of workshop offerings and drive more traffic to We will be publishing weekly posts on chapter Facebook and LinkedIn Pages to highlight upcoming workshops.
Learn more about the Social Media Local Workshop Pilot here.
April 5, 2024
National Small Business Week Toolkit
Registration is now open for the National Small Business Week Virtual Summit! Please share this exciting news with your chapter and clients. To make this as easy as possible, we’ve created the following promotional toolkit for your chapter. This toolkit contains the full description of the event, scheduled social media posts, shareable images and a Constant Contact email template.
Check out the National Small Business Week Toolkit here.
February 1, 2024
Chapter Social Media Program Q1 Performance
The results are in! During the January webinar, we focused on reviewing the Q1 performance of the Chapter Social Media Program. We checked in on the metrics we use to measure the success of the program and discussed how this success was impacted by our content strategy shift. Highlights include a new high of a 4.5% post engagement rate on Facebook and a 37% increase in followers on LinkedIn.
Watch the January Social Media Webinar for the full report.
January 10, 2024
Celebrate National Mentoring Month with Us
Our collaborative #MentoringMonth social campaign with the SBA is live, and we are so excited to kick off 2024 by spotlighting the amazing volunteers that make an impact in small business communities throughout the US. SCORE Twin Cities mentor Chris Wicker is our first feature! Check out (and share 😁) his video below.
Watch Chris answer a user-submitted small business question!
December 1, 2023
Learn More about Success Story Support for All Chapters
Success Story Support is a new addition to the Chapter Social Media Program this year. Much like the process for mining and promoting your chapter workshops as Facebook Events, our team will go through your chapter’s website once per month to capture new success stories you have posted. We will then use a SOCi template to share these posts on your chapter social media channels.
Learn more about the new success story support here.
November 3, 2023
Please Re-Register for the Social Media Webinar
Our Social Media Webinar was set to expire this month in Zoom. We have extended the webinar occurrences throughout the next year and registrants have carried over, but double checking doesn't hurt! Please re-register for the webinar and/or ensure it is on your calendar for November 15 at 2PM ET.
Register for the Monthly Social Media Webinar here.
October 5, 2023
October 26: Hiper Monthly Open Office Hours
Do you have questions about social media advertising for your chapter? New in FY24, we invite you to join us for monthly office hours dedicated to answering chapter questions related to optional social media ad packages. Whether you're a seasoned marketer or new to the world of social advertising, the team at Hiper is ready to answer your questions and guide you through the campaign offerings.
Register for Hiper's Monthly Office Hours here.
July 6, 2023
Workshop Boosting Pilot Coming Soon
In our June webinar, we announced the launch of the Workshop Boosting Pilot. This pilot aims to quantify the impact of a Facebook content boost for the final week leading up to a local workshop. The ten participating chapters have been selected and will receive individual communications with next steps this week! We are so excited about this project and look forward to updating you on its progress soon.
Learn more about the Workshop Boosting Pilot here.
June 2, 2023
Beware of Fake Facebook Support Notifications
Phishing is when someone tries to get access to your Facebook account by sending you a suspicious message or link that asks for your personal information. We are seeing an influx in these attempts that suggest that your chapter Facebook Page is pending deletion due to a Community Standards Violation or Intellectual Property Infringement. Please forward these emails to and do not click links or attachments. We will investigate and determine if there is an actual account issue to be concerned about.
Learn how to identify and protect yourself from phishing on Facebook.
February 10, 2023
Chapter Success Story Pilot Launching on February 15, 2023
In FY23, we are looking for ways to evolve the Chapter Social Media Program and help your chapters have an even greater impact in your local online communities. One way we believe we can achieve this is through unique, localized success story content sourced from chapter websites and published individually on the coordinating chapter’s centrally managed social media channels. Before we consider a wide-scale implementation of this kind of content development, we need to make sure the process and data support that decision. That’s where the Success Story Pilot comes in!
Learn more about the Chapter Success Story Pilot here.
February 1, 2023
Classic Facebook Pages Changing to New Pages Experience
The way your chapter's Facebook Page looks and functions will be updated soon. This update, called the New Pages Experience, includes a redesigned layout, seamless interactions with other Pages, an all-new Page Feed and more. Facebook has been sporadically rolling out this new experience for over a year, but we have just received a notice from Facebook that all pages will transition to the new experience over the coming months.
Be prepared. Learn more about the New Pages Experience here.
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