Do you have a media interview coming up? Check out our 10 tips below to feel more confident and be ready to look and sound your best. Our public relations team ( is here to provide additional support, training and resources as needed. Thank you for sharing your SCORE story, the value of volunteering and how SCORE helps small businesses be successful!
- Breathe and relax. The reporter wants to hear from you directly as the expert on the topic at hand. Your insight, knowledge and personal experience is extremely valuable to them.
- Assume everything you say is on the record and can end up in the public realm. Please keep in mind that SCORE is apolitical, so do not offer personal political opinions when speaking to the media on behalf of SCORE.
- Write down three key points you’d like to get across no matter where the conversation goes, that way you’ll ultimately get in what you’d like to say.
If you don’t feel comfortable answering a specific question, you can refer reporters back to our media team ( or simply say “that is not my area of expertise.”
- Aim for the heart. Reporters appreciate facts and figures, but they’re specifically looking for someone to provide emotion and color to the story. They want a powerful quote.
If you’re doing a TV/video interview, ensure you’re in a well-lit area (natural lighting is best), have a strong internet connection and an aesthetically appealing, professional background. Set up the video camera at eye level, check your audio and remember to look into the webcam when speaking. For more context, check out this article.
- A reporter will usually ask if there’s anything else you’d like to add at the end of the interview. Finish strong! This is where you can close with a key fact or share that your best tip for small business owners is to get a mentor.
- Keep your answers concise and conversational. Don’t ramble! Feel free to naturally pause before answering a question to think about your response.
- Be engaged and energized while speaking with a reporter. If you misspeak, pause and clarify.
- Say thank you, confirm your contact information and offer to be a resource in the future.
Helpful SCORE Links to Share or Review
- SCORE National Impact:
- Media Resources Hub:
Our public relations team ( is here to provide additional guidance as needed. Thank you for sharing your chapter’s success and accomplishments!
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