Who better to share the SCORE story than clients themselves? Starting in FY22, SCORE selected clients from diverse backgrounds and industries to participate in a project to develop shareable video content that amplifies who SCORE is, how we support small businesses and the difference that SCORE makes in helping entrepreneurs start, grow and build a business. To date, 40 clients have been featured (along with their mentors when possible) sharing their SCORE success stories in their own voices. View SCORE success story videos on YouTube.
How are video success stories used?
The video success stories are among our most compelling, engaging, and impactful content. They have been extremely successful in driving both client and volunteer interest and conversions. They have been featured by the SBA at the National Small Business Week Virtual Conference and were showcased at the SCORE National Leadership Conference. We share one a week on Wednesdays on our HQ social media platforms. Many of the clients featured are also members of our SCORE spokesperson corps and appear in press releases and other external communications.
In addition, the video success story package for each client (2 minute version, 30 second version for social, and photos) are sent to the client, mentor, chapter chair, district director, and regional vice president along with a toolkit that includes suggestions on how to amplify the content locally. The videos are also added to the success stories featured on SCORE.org.
How are video success story clients selected?
We identify video success story candidates by:
- searching on SCORE.org and looking at existing client success stories
- reviewing recent news articles where SCORE clients have been profiled
- interviewing chapter leadership or mentors who may be able to refer specific clients
- browsing recent client award winners and nominees from chapters
From there, we create a list of potential candidates. Then we begin sending out email invitations to the clients and cc: their mentors. Not all clients respond or are interested. For those that respond, we have an initial conversation via email or phone interview and typically communicate with their mentor to ensure it is a good fit for the success story series. We also invite the mentor to participate and/or attend the video recording.
Once a client is selected and confirmed, we send them a detailed email and cc: the mentor again. Then scheduling and filming begins!
Know a SCORE client whose story should be featured?
Submit success stories from your chapter here. Learn more about the process for submitting a SCORE success story for publication to the website here.
As always, our public relations team (media@score.org) is here to provide additional guidance as needed. Thank you for sharing your chapter’s success and accomplishments!
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