We know from data that small business owners’ number one source of trusted information is each other. With this in mind, SCORE HQ’s external relations team developed shareable video content that amplifies who SCORE is, how we support small businesses and the difference that SCORE makes in helping entrepreneurs start, grow and build a business. To date, 75 clients have been featured (along with their mentors when possible) sharing their SCORE success stories in their own voices.
Learn more here about how video success stories are used nationally and how clients are selected.
View all SCORE success story videos on YouTube.
View and download video success story content by client name.
View the Success Story Toolkit: A Guide to Promoting Your Business for clients.
Now it is your turn to share this valuable content in your local marketing efforts! There are a number of easy and impactful ways to amplify your local SCORE success stories:
Local Marketing and Media Relations
- Customize the Success Story Press Release template in the Support Center and share it with your local media along with photos of featured clients and mentors and a video link.
- Check out SCORE’s How to Get Started with Chapter PR for step-by-step guidance on creating media lists, tips for talking with reporters, etc.
- Look for opportunities or monthly campaigns to amplify success story content locally such as National Mentoring Day/Month, National Small Business Week, etc.
- Spotlight the featured client in your next newsletter, including a link to the video, photos and testimonial quotes.
Local Social Media
- The HQ Social Team will create Facebook and LinkedIn posts for your chapter featuring your new success story. These posts will be saved to your chapter's video success story library in SOCi for future use by your chapter's social media chair.
- Consider using your chapter’s marketing dollars for a turnkey, paid spend on your local social media platforms to boost your local success story, drive new mentor requests, and attract new followers.
- Follow SCORE HQ on social media to like, share and comment on featured success stories.
Local Events, Webinars and Community Business Partners
- Share SCORE video success stories or the SCORE Success Story Sizzle Reel at local meetings or webinars to inspire others, recruit volunteers or garner new clients.
- Invite the featured client and mentor to speak in person at an upcoming event.
- Ask other local business groups to share the videos in their local communications, helping to build awareness of SCORE’s mentoring and resources.
- Connect with your chapter’s leadership and marketing volunteer to develop additional strategies to garner attention around your local success story.
THANK YOU to the clients and mentors who participated in this project, and to your SCORE chapter for amplifying this campaign’s reach and publicity locally, further sharing the SCORE story in your community.
As always, our public relations team (media@score.org) is here to provide additional guidance as needed.
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