Audience: Engage Administrative Positions
About this Cheat Sheet
The chapter admin that we know in CORE has been split into 4 admin roles in Engage namely:
Volunteer Intake Coordinator, Client Intake Coordinator, Event Manager, Chapter Manager
The chapter can assign an admin role to more than one person in the chapter. And more than one individual can have multiple roles.
This cheat sheet is designed as a quick reference for performing admin-based tasks in Engage. Although there might be several routes to access a page or perform a task, this sheet only includes the most efficient routes as practiced by our Tech Support team. This document should not be taken as a replacement to the training resources available in Support Center.
How do I find a client in Engage? |
1. Search the client by name or email using the global search bar found at the top of the Engage homepage. 2. Select the client’s name from the list of results and you will get to their contact record. |
How do I add a new client? How do I add a CORE client to Engage that was not migrated to Engage?
1. Search the client by name or email using the global search bar found at the top of the Engage homepage. 2. If no contact record exists, click the link on “To create a new client Contact record, click here.” 3. Follow the prompts to enter the client’s information. Note: Only Mentors can create clients in Engage. For all others, use the submit a request form: (replace XXXX with your chapter's 4-digit chapter number) |
How do I assign or reassign a mentoring request to a mentor? Only for the Client Intake Coordinator |
1. Select Client Requests – Need Action from the homepage. 2. Click View to open the MRE record. 3. Use the Assign/Reassign button. 4. Search for the mentor in the assignment window and click the box before their name to assign the request. 5. Follow the prompts until it shows you the Finish button.
Without having to wait 5 Only for the Client Intake Coordinator |
Part 1 - Change ownership 1. Select Client Requests by Status from the homepage. Part 2 - Assign to another mentor |
How do I add a new volunteer? Only for Volunteer Intake Coordinator |
The prospective volunteer must fill out the application online at When a submission goes into your chapter, the Volunteer Intake Coordinator is notified, and they should start with assigning 2 interviewers for that application. Reference: Onboarding a Provisional Volunteer |
How do I edit chapter volunteer information/status? Only for the Chapter Manager |
1. Search the volunteer by name or email using the global search bar found at the top of the Engage homepage. 2. Select the volunteer’s name from the list of results to get to their profile page. 3. Use the Edit button to update the volunteer’s profile. 4. To change the volunteer’s status, click the arrow going down (next to the Request Classification Upgrade button). 5. Select Update Volunteer Status. Refer to the list of statuses in this guide. 6. Then select a different status from the drop-down and follow the prompt until the Finish button.
How do I update a Need Action status in an event? Only for the Event Manager |
Need Action in your event means that the system found your registrants’ status not updated to any of the following: Attended, No Show, or Cancelled. 1. To complete an In-Person Event, use the steps in the section below on how do I update the registrants in bulk. 2. To complete a Zoom Meeting or Zoom Webinar event, click Events - Need Action from the homepage. |
How do I update the registrants in bulk? Only for the Event Manager
1. From the homepage, select Update Registrations. 2. From the list of all event registrants, you can sort by clicking the header columns to sort by Event name. 3. Click the checkbox of the selected registrants. 4. Click the pencil icon on the upper right menu of the list. 5. Select the appropriate status and check the box to update all selected items. 6. Click Apply. 7. Then, click Save at the bottom of the page.
How do I access the CORE BIRT Reports? Access: All chapter members |
1. From the homepage, under Reports, select BIRT Reports. 2. Select the report you want to access. 3. If you are not logged in to your SVO, the system will require you to choose your SVO account to proceed to the reports. 4. Select your chapter from the list and click OK.
How do I access the Engage Reports? Access: Volunteer Intake Coordinator Client Intake Coordinator Event Manager
From the homepage, under Reports, select Engage Reports.
VIC only has access to view and manage reports under the Volunteer Journey Reports. CiC only has access to view and manage reports under Client Mentoring Reports. Event Manager only has access to view and manage reports under Event Journey Reports Chapter Manager – does not have access to any of the reports. Additional info: How to: Generate Engage Reports
3/20/2023 - Updated guide: removed section about how to edit chapter information. Beginning in March 2023, all updates to the chapter's account page and branches will be made by HQ.
All PDFs also updated with the new info.
6/5/2023 - Updated guide for Event Manager tasks.
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