Audience: All SCORE Members, SCORE Headquarters Staff & Contractors
The purpose of the SCORE Engage Glossary of Terms is to provide definitions for terms within Engage.
In this article:
List view - A list of records according to certain criteria from a particular tab or object.
Global search - Always located at the top of the page and allows you to enter a search term and Salesforce will search all types of records and return a list of the matches, organized by type of record. In Engage, you can search for client and volunteer contacts as well as chapter and branch accounts.
Related list - A section of a record that lists items related to that record. For example, the Files related list contains all of the files that have been uploaded to that record.
Associate District Director - The associate district director is appointed by the district director to assist in the management of the district.
Chapter Chair - The person who leads the chapter.
Chapter Champion - A chapter champion is a chapter member who conducts chapter Inclusion and Diversity (I&D) assessment and assists with developing and executing plans. They also conduct volunteer training and address and resolve issues with support from others.
Chapter Manager - The person who ensures chapter rosters are updated, inputs location updates, works with scheduling and availability, can do both intake roles, and ultimately is a permission in addition to a role.
Client Intake Coordinator - The person who receives all mentoring requests, contacts clients, assigns mentors, and schedules clients.
Co-Chair - Volunteer who splits the chapter chair responsibility with another Co-Chair.
Coach - A volunteer assigned to mentor/guide a provisional volunteer through the training, onboarding, socialization at the chapter.
Contractor - Paid Staff that has similar permissions to a non-client facing volunteer but is not required to complete any training courses to serve different SCORE Positions. Signs the contract to comply with the Code of Ethics.
District Director - The District Director is a volunteer management position, appointed by the SCORE Vice President of Field Operations and reporting to the Regional Vice President. The District Director is responsible for the management and performance of the district and its chapters consistent with the SOM and in compliance with the minimum standards.
Event Manager - Creates workshop record in SCORE Engage. Manages workshop logistics, assignment of presenters, event marketing, and content. Works with workshop coordinator to manage workshop check-in process.
Interviewer - A volunteer assigned to interview a prospective volunteer.
Regional Ambassador - A regional ambassador is a volunteer who works with the RVPs, DDs, and Chairs to recruit Chapter Champions. They are also involved in the onboarding, training, and coordinating efforts with the Chapter Champions.
Regional Vice President - The Regional Vice President is a volunteer management position, appointed by and reporting to the SCORE Vice President of Field Operations. The RVP is responsible for the management and performance of the region, including districts, and chapters consistent with the SOM and in compliance with the minimum standards.
Secretary - The secretary performs the duties normally incident to that office, including the following (unless delegated elsewhere): keeps minutes of chapter meetings and training sessions, tracks compliance on required National forms and volunteer training., and assists the Chair in implementation or delegation of chapter activities at the discretion of the Chair.
Social Media Chair - The social media chair is responsible for the following: building SCORE Online Community, managing the chapter's social media account and social media analytics, audience engagement, and content creation.
Vice-Chair - Chapter leader, directly below chapter Chair.
Volunteer Intake Coordinator - The person who agrees to be the point person for all new volunteer applications, acting as the first and primary contact for applicants, assigning interviewers, ensuring acceptance or denial communications are sent to applicants, and ensuring all accepted volunteers move to provisional status properly.
Webmaster - The volunteer in the chapter responsible for updating the chapter website.
Volunteer Journey
Accepted (Active) - Applicant has been accepted as an "Active” Volunteer.
Accepted (Provisional) - Applicant has been accepted as a "Provisional" Volunteer.
Active - A fully trained volunteer in good standing.
Affiliation - The association between a volunteer and chapter. Volunteers can have affiliations with more than one SCORE chapter.
Affiliated Contacts - All members that are affiliated with a chapter.
Assigned (Prospective) - Application is under SCORE Chapter review. Interviewers have been assigned.
Case - A volunteer application.
Chapter Queue - A holding area for items belonging to your chapter before they are processed. This applies to volunteer applications and client mentoring requests.
Classification - The specific specialty required to deliver services to clients and operate a chapter. Classification determines a member's initial training track.
Deceased - A volunteer who is no longer alive.
Denied (Felony) - Application is flagged as convicted of a felony.
Disposition - A recommendation as to whether a prospective volunteer should be approved.
Emeritus – SCORE has established an emeritus honorary membership status for volunteers to recognize their meritorious service, contribution, or accomplishment on behalf of the chapter that allows volunteers to continue to associate with SCORE in a social-only manner. Emeritus members may not mentor or perform other client services.
A volunteer may request emeritus status or the chapter chair or chapter executive committee may initiate emeritus status for a volunteer.
Emeritus members:
- May receive all chapter publications and meeting minutes
- May not hold chapter office.
- May not use a email address
- May participate in chapter activities on a non-voting basis
Inactive - A volunteer who cannot, for any reason, actively serve in the chapter (sickness, lengthy vacation, etc.) or non-compliance with the annual re-certification or Code of Ethics. The inactive status maximum time is (90) days.
Interview Checklist - A collection of suggested (but not required) ways and places to research a volunteer applicant.
Interview Guidelines - Best practices around interviewing volunteer applicants.
Onboarding - The act or process of orienting and training a new chapter member.
Organization Affiliations - All chapters that a member is affiliated with.
Position - The function(s) a chapter member performs in the delivery of services to clients or the operation of a SCORE chapter.
Primary Chapter - The main chapter to which a volunteer belongs.
Queue - A group of users who can own records. All records in Salesforce must have an owner. An owner is a single entity, queues allow for certain objects to have groups of users own the record.
Record - A single instance of a Salesforce object. For example, “John Jones” might be the name of a contact record.
Rejected - Application that is rejected.
Resigned - A volunteer who has taken an action to leave SCORE, whether self-initiated or through a period of disengagement.
Snowbird - a volunteer who is an active member in one chapter during the summer months and in another chapter in the winter months.
Subject Matter Expert - A Subject Matter Expert has knowledge and experience in a specific set of business skills. They assist clients when those skills are needed. Maybe lead teachers in their specialties. Co-mentor under the supervision of a Mentor.
Submitted (Prospective) - An individual has submitted a Volunteer Application to SCORE and has not been assigned, Interviewers.
SOM or SCORE's Operating Manual - A guide detailing policies and procedures on ethics, chapter operations, volunteer management, and financial management to ensure consistency across all SCORE chapters. Read more here.
Terminated - A volunteer that SCORE terminates for cause - this includes a code of ethics violation, poor client service quality, etc. Terminated volunteers will need to have a 'reason' for termination. They are not able to transition to another status once they are marked as Terminated.
Tie Breaker - A third interviewer. This person is only assigned if interviewers 1 and 2 cannot agree on a disposition.
Treasurer - The volunteer in the chapter responsible for the local financial management.
Volunteer - SCORE Volunteers work in support of the SCORE mission and vision by handling the myriad of administrative and support tasks required to operate a chapter. Volunteers do not mentor clients.
Volunteer Profile - A collection of data and information unique to each SCORE volunteer. If marked as visible, clients will be able to see this on the SCORE national website. If marked as accepting client requests, clients will be able to directly request you for mentoring.
Withdrawn - Applicant wishes not to pursue their application.
Event Journey
Number of registrants - A total number of people that have registered for an event.
Registrant Limit - Total number of people allowed to register for an event.
Registrant Status - The status of an event registrant in SCORE Engage. This can be set to Invited (default), Registered, Wait-listed, Attended, Canceled, and No Show.
Registration Status - The status of an event's registration period in SCORE Engage. This can be set to Open, Closed, and Closed-Waitlist.
Workshop Presenter - Presents workshops and manages workshop resources. Sends a copy of the intended deck to the Event Manager. Views events for their chapter and where they are assigned as the Presenter Role. Hosts the workshop on the scheduled day. Verifies details for post-event email/content and able to view the evaluation results in the event record page.
Workshop Status - The status of a workshop in SCORE Engage. Options include Draft, Published, Cancelled, Needs Action, and Complete.
Client Mentoring Journey
Activity History - Everything that has happened with the case.
Assigned - A mentoring request that has been assigned and accepted by the mentor.
Assigned Mentor - The Assigned Mentor is the mentor who accepted the client request. They are primarily responsible for guiding and supporting the client throughout the mentoring process.
Assigned-Pending - A mentoring request that has been assigned but still needs to be accepted or declined by the mentor.
Case - A description of a client's problem or question (a mentoring request).
Co-Mentor - A co-mentor is someone that is mentoring the same client but is working in the same session as the lead mentor. Co-mentors can be added at the time the original session is entered or by editing an existing session. Co-mentors are only included in the session they are co-mentoring with the lead mentor. There can be up to 4 co-mentors on a session.
Complete – Select this status for a mentoring request that is complete, meaning all client questions have been answered and their needs are met. Please note that this status will remove the mentoring request from Not Yet Counseled and Needs Action lists or reports.
History - An account of what has changed on the record and who made the change.
In progress – Automatically assigned by the system when a request is accepted by the assigned mentor.
In-Business - For SCORE reporting purposes, an entity is considered to be “in-business” once they have registered with their respective State. Typically, this includes having a business name, having a registered agent, receiving an Employer Identification Number (EIN) from the IRS, and other required documents.
Lead Mentor - The Lead Mentor is the individual who created the mentoring session note in Engage, regardless of whether they are the Assigned Mentor or a Team Member. They own are responsible for the individual session’s note information due to their role in its creation.
Mentor - A Mentor is qualified to mentor any client including existing businesses and start-up clients. Mentors are proficient in guiding a client of any industry on starting and growing a business.
MRE - An old business term used to refer to a mentoring case. The "M" stands for "mentoring," while "RE" represents the first two letters of "request."
Mentoring Request Case - This is the record or page in Engage where the details of a mentoring request are captured and managed.
Open Activities - Logged tasks related to the case.
Pending Reassignment - This client request status shows when the request is rerouted back to the Client Intake queue to be reassigned to another mentor due to the mentor declining the request, or if the mentor has not accepted/declined the request after 5 business dates, or if the mentor used the Refer to Queue process. This status is applied to the mentoring request automatically.
Reassigned – A mentoring request that has been reassigned to another mentor but there are no sessions attached to it yet. This status is applied to the mentoring request automatically.
Subject Matter Expert - A Subject Matter Expert has knowledge and experience in a specific set of business skills. They assist clients when those skills are needed. Subject Matter Experts can be added as a Co-Mentor on a client's session but they cannot be the Lead Mentor nor can they be assigned a mentoring request directly in Engage.
Submitted – A mentoring request that has been submitted to and received by the chapter, but no assignments have been made yet. This status is applied to the mentoring request automatically.
Team Member - A Team Member is added to an in progress mentor request by the Assigned Mentor or a Client Intake Coordinator (CIC) after the request has been accepted. The "Add a Team Member" function is only available for accepted requests. Team Members have access to view the request details and, depending on their status and classification, may be able to add their own mentoring sessions notes to the in progress request. To Add a Team Member, follow this guide.
Unable to Contact – Use this status if you have attempted to contact a client at least three times using both email and phone (if available) but have not received any response, or have been unable to make contact due to incorrect contact information provided by the client (such as an incorrect email address or phone number), you can select the "Unable to Contact" status. The request case will also be removed from the "My Active Client" list and from the CNY reports.
Unassigned – A mentoring request that has not yet been assigned to a mentor.
Withdrawn – Use this status to close the request case when client changes their mind about wanting or needing SCORE services. This status should also be used for duplicate requests from the same client that need to be closed rather than merged (in the case that the client used 2 separate emails and therefore Engage did not recognize it as a duplicate). The request case will also be removed from the "My Active Client" list and from the CNY reports.
Industry Acronyms and Abbreviations
BIRT - Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools: An open-source software project used for creating data visualizations and reports.
CRM - Customer Relationship Management: Software or strategies used by companies to manage and analyze customer interactions and data throughout the customer lifecycle. Engage is our CRM.
KPI - Key Performance Indicator: A measurable value that demonstrates how effectively a company is achieving key business objectives.
NPS - Net Promoter Score: A metric used to gauge customer loyalty by asking how likely they are to recommend a company’s product or service to others.
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