Audience: Chapter Manager
A Contractor is a paid staff that has similar permissions to a non-client facing volunteer but is not required to complete any training courses to serve different SCORE positions. SCORE Contractors sign a separate contract to comply with the Code of Ethics, which is administered annually through the contracting vendor.
When a chapter hires a contractor, the Chapter Manager needs to add a contact record in SCORE Engage. This contact record will be affiliated with the chapter adding the contractor for the first time. If the contractor already has a record in Engage, then the Chapter Manager can add an additional chapter to the existing record.
Contractors can serve in other positions within the chapter, such as the Volunteer Intake Coordinator, Client Intake Coordinator, Event Manager, and/or Chapter Manager.
Note: To view the full list of notifications for the Volunteer Journey, click here. (You must be signed into your account.)
Table of Contents:
- Add a Contractor to a Chapter
- View Contractors of a Chapter
- Additional Chapter Affiliation
- Manage Chapter Affiliation
- Update a Contractor's Status
- When a Contractor Resigns
Add a Contractor
1) From the Home Page, select My Primary Chapter under Helpful Links on the right side of the page.
2) Click the Add Contractor button from the Account Details page.
3) Enter in the Contractor’s information. Click Save. (Required fields are: First Name, Last Name and Email.)
Note: Make sure to enter the contractor’s personal email address on the Email field correctly. After saving all the information, an SVO account is created in Google for the contractor. The SVO account information is sent to the personal email address entered on the Email field on the form. Then, Engage will send an email to the newly created SVO account with instructions on how to log in.
View Contractors Of A Chapter
1) From the chapter's Account Details page, locate the Affiliated Contacts related list then, click View All.
2) Scroll the list view to the right using the bottom slide. You can identify Contractors within the chapter by looking at the Classification column.
Add More Chapter Affiliation
Note: Contractors can work for different chapters. The Chapter Manager can add another Chapter Affiliation to the contractor's profile.
1) Search the Contractor from the global search box and select their name from results in the dropdown.
2) Then, click the drop-down arrow and select New Affiliation.
3) Select the Chapter from the drop-down list. Also, check any Positions applicable. Select the Start Date. Lastly, click Next to save the changes.
4) After the affiliation is added successfully, it will show up under Organization Affiliations.
Edit A Chapter Affiliation
1) From the Home Page, navigate to the volunteer’s profile by entering their name in the global search box and selecting their name from results in the dropdown.
2) From the contact record, you can view all chapter affiliations under Organization Affiliations.
3) Identify the chapter from the list to edit, then click the drop-down arrow and select Edit.
4) Then, edit Affiliation Status (current, former), Start Date, End Date, and Position held within that chapter. Click Save.
5) The affiliation record is updated immediately. When updating the Affiliation Status, the change will also immediately show up under Organization Affiliations.
Update a Contractor's Status
1) Search the Contractor by Name or Email address using the global search bar and select their name from the suggested results.
2) Click the drop-down arrow beside the quick action buttons and select Update Volunteer Status.
Note: The Volunteer Status field shows the current status of the contractor. This will change immediately after updating the status.
3) Select the new Status from the drop-down list then, click Next.
4) Click Finish and the record will be updated immediately. When changing the status to Resigned, a Leave Date will also be automatically populated.
Note: When changing the status to Terminated, a Termination Reason is required. Terminated contractors are not able to transition to another status once they are marked as Terminated.
When a Contractor Resigns from A Chapter
Note: Contractors that work for different chapters can resign in one chapter and continue working on their other chapters. When resigning from only one chapter, the chapter manager from that chapter should set the Contractor's status to resign.
1) Search the Contractor by Name or Email address using the global search bar and select their name from the suggested results.
2) From the contact record, you can view all chapter affiliations under Organization Affiliations.
3) Identify the chapter from the list to edit, then click the drop-down arrow and select Edit.
4)Click Edit Affiliation
5) Select Former on the Affiliation Status field and then click Save.
6) After saving the change, the contractor's affiliation record of the chapter will now show Former.
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