The Marketing Webinars cover topics such as upcoming campaigns, branding, email marketing, chapter marketing best practices, content marketing, and more.
For FY25, there are currently no marketing webinars scheduled. If a new cadence is created or an Ad Hoc webinar is put on the calendar, we will include that information here on this page and within the Marketing Monthly newsletter.
To view previous marketing webinar recordings and associated presentation slides, please review the below list:
- September 2024 - Anatomy of a Successful Email This webinar reviewed the anatomy of a successful email, including image best practices, buttons and CTAs, email body structure, etc.
- July 2024 - Email Marketing List Management This month, we presented how to keep your email contacts and lists organized and updated. We also reviewed ways to grow your subscriber base organically. During this session, we specifically reviewed how to organize lists and create custom tags, the importance of cleaning your lists and ways to grow your subscribers.
- May 2024 - Marketing Frequently Asked Questions The Field Marketing Team worked with the QUEST(Quality Enhancement Systems and Teams) Honors Program from the University of Maryland over the course of a semester where students analyzed over 3,400 email requests received at to identify frequently asked questions, provide recommendations on how to improve our internal process, and what areas we need more resources in for the field. Throughout the presentation, we reviewed the top 5 marketing categories the QUEST Team identified and where you can find related resources on the SCORE Support Center.
April 2024 - Leveraging SCORE’s Public Service Announcements The External Relations Team presented how to leverage SCORE’s all-new public service announcements(PSAs) to secure airings on radio and TV stations to maximize local community and media outreach. We also talked about the impact of these PSAs across the U.S. so far in FY24 and shared examples from the field.
- March 2024 - Email Marketing Welcome Sequences This month, we discussed the importance of welcome sequences in email marketing and how to create and maintain them in Constant Contact.
- February 2024 - VolunteerMatch & National Volunteer Month During this webinar, we reviewed the VolunteerMatch platform and why it’s such a valuable resource for volunteer recruitment, as well as ways to boost connections. We also discussed that April is National Volunteer Month and the resources available to help with local recruitment efforts.
January 2024 - Living the SCORE Brand
Throughout this webinar, we reviewed the SCORE Brand Guide. This Brand Guide was recently updated and developed into an interactive online course with information on our brand story, writing and editorial style, expanded color palette, typography, image resources, audience profiles developed with data from the yearly client engagement survey and so much more! -
December 2023 - Email Marketing Guidelines
This month, we discussed our newly created Email Marketing Guidelines. These were developed to ensure a cohesive SCORE email program and brand. Through the webinar, we went through the different sections of the guide and reviewed what content to feature in your emails, image best practices, timing and scheduling suggestions, recommended calls-to-action and so much more. -
November 2023 - GivingTuesday Toolkit and Upcoming Marketing Campaigns
During this webinar, we reviewed upcoming marketing campaigns, such as our GivingTuesday campaign in November, what resources will be available to chapters for local marketing and where you can find this information throughout the year. -
October 2023 - FY24 Marketing Planning
With the start of the new Fiscal Year, it's the perfect time to review the Chapter Marketing Plan Template, Field Marketing Editorial Calendar and what marketing resources are available to work into your plan. We were joined by the Director of Social Media and the Public Relations Specialist to speak on social media and public relations-related resources. -
September 2023 - Email Segmentation and Planning
We were once again joined by SCORE's Email Marketing Specialist, who presented on email segmentation and planning. Throughout the webinar, we reviewed what exactly segmentation is, how it benefits your local email marketing, instructions on how to create an email segmentation plan, as well as how to execute it in Constant Contact. We also took time for Q&A. -
July 2023 - Unlocking the Power of Email Marketing
SCORE's Email Marketing Specialist presented the purpose of email and just how impactful it can be to persuade the reader to take action and respond to the call-to-action included within. The CAN-SPAM Act was also discussed, and tips on how to make your emails easy to read were shared, as well as best practices with chapter examples provided. -
June 2023 - The Power of Public Relations
This month, the External Relations Team presented PR strategies and tools to maximize local impact. They were joined by three volunteer speakers who shared their local public relations success stories that allowed them to not only increase the awareness of SCORE but also to recruit clients and volunteers to their chapter. -
May 2023 - Success Story Generation and Promotion
In May's Marketing Webinar, we reviewed how to submit a success story through the national Success Story Submission Form, the HQ internal review timeline, and how to promote your success story on multiple marketing channels. We were also joined by Charlie Morris from SCORE Bucks County who reviewed his chapter's internal process for generating success stories and how they promote these stories in their community. -
April 2023 - What is LiveChat?
This month, we reviewed LiveChat; a form of customer messaging software that enables our website visitors to chat with a mentor in real-time. We also went over some upcoming website features, like the Mentor Matchmaker. -
March 2023 - Marketing Strategies for Volunteer Recruitment
As National Volunteer Month approaches in April, we took time to discuss various volunteer recruitment strategies on this month's call. From utilizing VolunteerMatch, running a social media campaign, email marketing, etc., time was spent reviewing how chapters can recruit qualified volunteers. -
February 2023 - Mentor Search Process and Volunteer Profiles
This month, we reviewed frequently asked marketing questions. Time was spent going over how mentor profiles appear on the website, how clients connect with a mentor, and how to post recorded webinars on your local chapter sites. -
January 2023 - Best Practices on Local Workshop Growth and Promotion
Ideas on how to plan, host, and promote local workshops were shared. Such as reviewing your chapter MREs for topic ideas to host local workshops on, how to publish recorded webinars on your chapter site using YouTube, and marketing tips for driving attendance using your chapter website, email marketing and social media. -
Preparing for the Launch of the New Website
In this webinar, we reviewed what features and functions will be prioritized for the launch product. We reviewed the known issues that are in the backlog to be resolved in the future and we answered your questions about what to look for when reviewing your new chapter websites.
New Website Training
As we prepare for the new website launch on December 22nd, we are focused on User Acceptance Testing (UAT) and how webmasters can review their local site and help prepare for launch. In this webinar, we covered:
Notable changes - what new features can be expected and what features have been delayed until after launch.
User Acceptance Testing - webmasters are invited on 12/5 to begin testing their local sites and provided a list of items to review and test.
Webmaster UAT Tools - BugHerd, a UAT tool to identify and report website issues, was reviewed, along with the testing environment and where to find additional resources.
December 2022 - Make Better Business Decisions with Analytics
Grow with Google once again joined the Marketing Team to present on Google Analytics. In this session, we reviewed an introduction to Google Analytics, creating and understanding reports, the importance of making goals, and how to use Analytics with other Google tools. -
November 2022 - Learn the Basics of Google Ads
This month, we were joined by Grow with Google who presented the basics of Google Ads. We discussed how to create an account and set up an ad campaign, how to write great ads and refine keywords, and how to measure success. Register for Grow with Google's next presentation on December 7th at 2:00pm ET: Make Better Business Decisions with Analytics
October 2022 - Promoting and Hosting Local Workshops
Need ideas on how to create, promote, and host local workshops? Then look no further! During this webinar, we reviewed helpful resources for local workshop creation and how to store recorded webinars on YouTube. We also discussed ideas on how to promote workshops on social media, your chapter website, and through email marketing. -
September 2022 - Media Training 202: Spreading The Word
In the final presentation in a four-part series, the External Relations Team presented the importance of building on your foundation, how to keep growing your media relationships and ideas on how to utilize other media opportunities other than traditional news stories. -
August 2022 - Website Launch Timeline
This webinar shares information on the website launch timeline and more information about the content audit and freeze. We also had a great Q&A session where we talked a lot about how to prepare for launch and reviewed upcoming website changes.
View the website wireframes here.
View the website FAQs here. -
July 2022 - Media Training 201: Interviews
The Marketing Team was once again joined by the External Relations Team as they presented their third webinar in a four-part series. The External Relations team discussed what to do after you successfully landed a pitch and how to prepare for an interview with a reporter. The webinar covered topics such as how to prepare talking points, tips for setting up video and audio for an interview, and general media training tactics.
June 2022 - Website Redesign Updates
As the launch of the new website approaches in September, we took time during this webinar to discuss why the website redesign is vital to the organization, the product roadmap, wireframes, and various upcoming website features, and what will be customizable at the chapter level. View the website FAQs here. -
May 2022 - Media Training 102: What Makes a Good Story?
In the second webinar of a four-part series presented by the External Relations team, they focused on the elements of a good story, pitching techniques, identifying volunteers and clients to serve as chapter media spokespeople, training tips, and how to build awareness of SCORE in your community through local media. Two volunteers from SCORE Bucks County also shared how their chapter successfully garnered media attention. -
April 2022 - Strategies for Volunteer Recruitment
Looking for some new ways to recruit qualified volunteers into your chapter? Take a look at this presentation for some ideas you can implement on various marketing channels, such as VolunteerMatch, website updates, social media, public relations, email marketing, and more.
March 2022 - Content Strategy
Creating and publishing quality content helps with brand awareness and positions SCORE as a trusted small business resource. It also attracts and engages clients, making it more likely for them to take action on the website. Throughout this webinar, you will learn how to use website content to attract clients, improve search engine optimization(SEO), and strengthen the SCORE brand.
February 2022 - Media Training 101: Getting Started
In this most recent webinar, Media Training 101, SCORE’s External Relations team highlighted the value of building media relations, how to create a local press list for your chapter, how to build & maintain media relationships, examples of SCORE chapters that have been successful with earned media placements, and SCORE’s updated public relations support center resources. -
January 2022 - Volunteer Recruitment
To kick off 2022, we took a look at volunteer recruitment strategies across various marketing channels. January is also National Mentoring Month, which is a great time to leverage volunteer recruitment. Within the presentation, we discuss ideas on how your chapter can highlight and recruit volunteers.
December 2021 - Success Stories
Business owners will often look to their peer-to-peer networks for business advice first. For this reason, it is vital that we use entrepreneurs' voices to help sell the story of SCORE's success, and a great way to do that is through success stories. Throughout this webinar, we review the success story submission process, tips on collecting these stories, and ideas on how to promote them.
November 2021 - Email Marketing Best Practices & Strategy
There are 4 billion daily email users, and this number is expected to climb to 4.6 billion by 2025. With email being such a strategic tool in marketing, Jen Ruben, SCORE’s email marketing vendor, shared some best practices and tips your chapter can implement to improve your email strategy. -
October 2021 - Marketing FAQs
The start of a new fiscal year can bring new chapter leadership, so the Marketing Team gathered some FAQs to share and review with the field. We broke out FAQs by section and took time for Q&A at the end of the webinar. -
September 2021 - Marketing Planning
With next month being the start of Fiscal Year 2022, we took time to talk about marketing planning and reviewed the Chapter Marketing Plan Template and Field Marketing Editorial Calendar. Throughout the webinar, we discussed what is available to chapters at the national level and what can be done locally. -
July 2021 - Marketing Performance Tracking
As a new fiscal year approaches, we took some time and reviewed how to measure results to assess and improve your local marketing tactics, as well as examined what metrics the HQ Marketing Team currently tracks. -
June 2021 - Part 3: How to Create an Online Strategy for Your Chapter
In the final presentation of the three-part Google for Nonprofits series, you will hear about both the benefits and limitations of Google Ad Grants, online marketing strategies, and how to avoid internal competition. -
May 2021 - Part 2: How to Create & Optimize Google Ad Grant Campaigns
As a continuation in the Google for Nonprofits series, tune into the second webinar to learn how to create and optimize a Google Ad Grant Campaign. Throughout the webinar, you will learn not only how to create and track a campaign, but also how to select keywords, write compelling ad copy, and test bidding strategies. -
May 2021 - Part 1: Introduction to Google Ad Grants
Learn how your chapter can apply for a Google Ad Grant from a Google for Nonprofits Expert. During this webinar, we will walk you through the application process and review how to effectively utilize the free $10,000/month advertising credit. This credit can be used to promote your chapter within Google search results through text ads. We will also discuss how to track campaign performance through Google Analytics. -
April 2021 - Developing Your Webinar Strategy
During this presentation, the Marketing team will coach you through how to develop your webinar strategy. Learn how to identify topics that your clients want to hear about and how to create your marketing promotion timeline. You'll also hear tips for upselling and cross-selling services, as well as how to measure your chapter's success.
March 2021 - Public Relations
Hear from the External Relations team as they share tips and information about media relations. Learn how you can build relationships with local media partners as well as how you can be an expert for national media inquiries. You'll also learn how we work to build awareness at the national level.
February 2021 - Volunteer Recruitment
With the pandemic driving more small business owners to seek support and resources, there is a need to build capacity to meet the increased demand for services. In this webinar, you'll learn about the tools and resources we've provided to support you with your local recruiting efforts. You'll also hear what we're doing to attract new volunteer applications as part of our national campaigns.
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