There are always media opportunities OUTSIDE of a traditional news story that can help build local chapter brand awareness. Below are some suggestions and ideas to pursue if you’re looking to expand your chapter’s reach in new ways.
Look for an opportunity to place a regular column in your local newspaper, either with original content or utilizing one of the ASK SCORE columns. Sometimes, the column can be picked up by larger, aggregate outlets such as Yahoo News or Newsbreak, amplifying your message further. Column examples include:
Tina Dettman-Bielefeldt with SCORE Green Bay (Focuses on SCORE clients)
Gray Poehler with SCORE Richmond/SCORE Naples (ASK SCORE content)
Marc Goldberg with SCORE Cape Cod & the Islands (Original content)
- Consider opportunities to put chapter expertise into writing through blog posts or articles for local community newsletters. Leverage mentors/volunteers with valuable insight and excellent writing skills as experts to create local content for your chapter website or other small business-related outlets.
- Host workshops or webinars for current or aspiring entrepreneurs in your community. Write a brief about it prior to the event and then send it to the events/calendar editor at your local paper to raise awareness and attract potential clients.
- Search for opportunities to speak to current or aspiring entrepreneurs at local conferences, workshops etc. Speaking opportunities can support efforts to attract more clients and volunteers to your chapter.
- Create a spreadsheet and outreach plan identifying community partners that are aligned to SCORE’s overall mission – this will help you expand your reach to prospective clients and volunteers. It’s important to always search for new audiences to connect with that will generate awareness for SCORE and its services. Examples include local business organizations, chambers of commerce, etc.
- Develop a public relations committee within your chapter that is dedicated to helping build and expand your efforts within the community through media and community relationships. Relationship building and outreach is essential to keep growing both new clients and volunteers. Each member of the committee can have a different role in supporting your chapter’s media efforts.
As always, our public relations team ( is here to provide additional guidance as needed. Thank you for sharing your chapter’s success and accomplishments!
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