This guide helps new volunteers and their trainers assess how SLATE is employed during each of the co-mentoring training sessions. New volunteers should go through this guide with the mentors they observe and lead with, a coach or representative of the onboarding committee to foster meaningful learning dialogue to help the better understand the SLATE methodology. When you lead the session during co-mentoring you are the “mentor” in this observation.
SStop and Suspend Judgment |
· Was the purpose of the meeting clearly stated? · How did the mentor demonstrate his or her focused attention to the client? · In what ways did the mentor engage the client? · How did the mentor suspend judgment while the client spoke? |
LListen and Learn |
· In what ways did the mentor exhibit active listening and ask questions to help the client think deeply? · How was the mentor learning more about the client’s needs and objectives as time went along? |
AAssess and Analyze |
· How did the mentor use exploratory dialogue including questions to help the client assess the issues? · In what ways did the mentor help the client analyze the issues logically and methodically so that he or she could determine the best course of action? |
TTest Ideas and Teach with Tools |
· How did the mentor provide opportunities for testing to discover the best idea or to refine an idea? · What types of tools did the mentor suggest to expand the client’s knowledge? · In what ways did the mentor help the client learn more about his or her idea as the session went along? |
EExpectations Setting and Encourage the Dream |
· How did the mentor end the session? · Were clear expectations and appropriate next steps determined? · In what ways did the mentor provide encouragement for entrepreneurship? · Did the mentor talk specifically about a next meeting? |
- Are there any areas of the SLATE methodology where you will have particular strengths?
- Are there any elements of SLATE that might be areas of weakness for you? If so, how can you improve on these areas?
- How will you ensure that you are applying the SLATE methodology throughout your mentoring?
- SLATE is the mentoring process. What about the techical and business related content of mentoring?
- Do you know how to find local and national SCORE mentors who can help you with this client in areas you are not expert?
- Do you know how to find SCORE and other resources that you can use and/or refer the client to?
- Are there areas that you can self-develop with workshops and other training resources such as those on the website and in the SCORE Volunteer Center?
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