Use the following template to conduct outreach to or to follow up with your local television and radio stations. Fill in the blanks with information for your chapter or state using the Client Impact Report Handouts for your area. Learn more about how to use PSAs in your local community here.
Dear PSA Director,
Small businesses are the heart of America and the heart of our local community. With more entrepreneurs than ever paving their own own path towards building a better life, there is a need for guidance and mentorship. Owning a business takes hard work and dedication, but these individuals don't have to go it alone. SCORE can help.
SCORE offers free mentoring, training and resources to help entrepreneurs start, grow or successfully exit a business. In fact, SCORE (chapter name)'s (number) volunteers helped (number) businesses start last year, creating (number) jobs.
By airing SCORE's public service announcement now and throughout the year, you can help spread the word about the services SCORE offers and how it helps small businesses find success.
SCORE PSAs are available in 15, 30 and 60 second spots in English and Spanish for both television and radio. View and download all SCORE PSAs here.
On behalf of local small business owners here and all across the country, thank you for your consideration!
(Chapter PR Officer or Contact)
(Chapter Website)
As always, our public relations team ( is here to provide additional guidance as needed. Check out our other Public Relations Resources in the Support Center.
Thank you for helping to share the SCORE story in your local community!
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