Communities of Practice
Communities of Practice (CoPs) are volunteer-led, HQ-supported, peer-to-peer groups focusing on a particular area of expertise. CoPs meet on a regular basis to share trends and insights around their expertise so as to ensure we are providing the latest knowledge to SCORE clients. Occasionally, a CoP may introduce a new tool or process to benefit the organization nationally. CoPs are open to all volunteers who have an interest or proficiency in the particular area. CoPs are ongoing year-round, and volunteers can join at any time through the contact email listed next to each group below.
Goal: Lifelong learning, peer-to-peer exchange to improve the collective knowledge within our volunteer community
Scope: Volunteer training, resource development, and knowledge sharing
Outputs/Deliverables: Volunteer training (internal-facing webinars, community forums, etc.) and potentially client-facing resources and training (based on approval from HQ)
Audience: Primarily volunteers
Volunteer Leader: Mark Krosse
Staff Sponsor: Kathryn Kelly
The following CoPs are active and welcoming new participants
- Food Trucks
- Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- Agriculture (Ag)
More information on CoPs can be found here.
Advisory Groups
Advisory Groups are HQ-led volunteer groups that review, and provide feedback and concerns on a particular focus area. These advisory groups may also suggest enhancements that benefit volunteers and clients in relation to their particular area. The Advisory Groups are ongoing. Below are the current Advisory Groups.
Goal: Provide feedback, share concerns and recommendations with HQ staff around specific areas
Audience: Primarily volunteers and staff
Staff Sponsor: Different for each group
Below are the active Advisory Groups. If interested in joining, contact the associated email.
- Regional Workshop Committees - MidAtlantic and Central Region
Social Media Advocacy Group -
- Kristyn Shay, Director of Social Media - HQ
Monica Stefanowicz - Albuquerque
Austyn Thweatt - Central Virginia
William Leakas - Rhode Island
Jim Axelrad - North Cook & Lake Counties
Charles Morris - Bucks County
Robert Smith - Lancaster-Lebanon
Rob Stutzman - Boston
Dan Reed - Southern Maine
Technology Advisory Committee -
- Amanda Capozio, VP Technology - HQ
- Charter and members viewed here.
- Fundraising Committee
- Brent Ramsey, Compliance Manager - HQ
- Ray Lee - Northern Nevada
- Rick Toman - St. Louis
- Tim Jeffcoat - Houston
- Sally Broff - San Diego
- Steven Mayer - Chicago
- Aleyah Myles - Greater Omaha
- John Brandstetter - Greater Omaha
- Byron Zuidema - Mid-Florida
Website -
Staff Facilitator: Linda Stacy, Director of Marketing
Goals: The Website Advisory Committee will focus on providing strategic guidance to ensure the organization's website(s) effectively serves our stakeholders. Key goals include:
- Evaluating and recommending improvements to website content, navigation, and user experience
- Ensuring the website aligns with organizational objectives and brand standards
- Providing input on accessibility compliance and mobile responsiveness
- Reviewing analytics and user feedback to guide data-driven decisions
- Charlie Morris - Bucks County
- Charissa Rubey - Tennessee
- Devin Anderson - San Francisco
- Donald Krasnick - Philadelphia
- Mark Krosse - Cleveland
- Nancy Chouinard - Vancouver
- Rob Stutzman - Boston
- Steven Martin – Buffalo Niagara
- Hanane Mouhssine - Tech
- Khrisna Murphy - Field Ops
- Lori Barnes - External Relations
- Mat Tse – Marketing
Task Forces
Task Forces are HQ-led volunteer groups that support the design and implementation of key projects on the SCORE national work plan. Members of the Task Force are selected based on their relevant expertise and SCORE experience. Task Forces meet regularly according to a project timeline and may dissolve when the project ends. Below are the current Task Forces.
Goal: Support the design and development of key projects from the SCORE national work plan.
Outputs/Deliverables: As depicted in each task force charter
Audience: Volunteers and Staff
Staff Lead: Dependent on each task force
Below are the active Task Forces. If interested in joining, please use the forms below or contact the staff facilitator
Click below for more information on each task force:
Content Committee
Staff Facilitator: Chad Mendell, Content Manager
This team of dedicated volunteers help shape and execute SCORE's content offering and delivery. This group plays a crucial role in curating and presenting valuable content that aligns with SCORE's mission of empowering entrepreneurs and fostering business growth. Their contributions directly impact the organization's ability to provide accessible and relevant resources to individuals seeking guidance and support in their entrepreneurial endeavors.
Name | Region | Chapter/Team |
Mark Krosse | Central | Ohio District |
Natasha Chernavska | South East | Southwest Florida |
Susan Lundy | West | San Francisco |
Pamela Kaur | South West | Austin |
Adam Torkildson | West | Utah |
Lisa Bage | South East | Southwest Florida |
Holly McGowan | South West | Dallas |
Casey Shilling | Central | Madison |
Bob Carilli | South West | Austin |
Emma Devine | South East | Palm Beach |
Tevis Noelting | South West | Northern Arizona |
Maria Carrillo | North MidWest | Portland |
Alberto Casadei | Mid-Atlantic | Bucks County |
Angel Duncan | South East | North Metro Atlanta |
Brandon Roger | Central | Indianapolis |
Gene Senatore | Mid-Atlantic | Pittsburgh |
Charissa Rubey | South East | Memphis |
Naomi Corsi | Mid-Atlantic | Pittsburgh |
Christopher Jacob | North East | New York City |
Eden Holt | North MidWest | Southwest Missouri |
Janice Swier | North MidWest | Twin Cities |
Kelly Hulseman | South West | Denver |
Tom Poole | Central | Columbus Ohio |
Meera Siva | West | Capitol Corridor |
Devin Anderson | West | Northern California |
Kathryn Kelly | HQ | Staff |
Joanna May | HQ | Staff |
Client Education Committee
Staff Facilitator: Alexa Elliott
The purpose of this committee is to guide and advise the headquarters staff and volunteer leaders who provide client education for the organization.
This committee may also serve as a working group reviewing materials to ensure brand consistency and alignment with content guidelines and workshop policies.
Our goal is to deliver high-quality business education across SCORE in ways that make the best use of our volunteers' time and expertise. We aim to reach and help more business owners by improving how we create and deliver our educational programs.
Specifically, we aim to:
- Strengthen the quality and consistency of our training programs and how we deliver them
- Serve more business owners while reducing the time volunteers spend on administrative tasks
- Make the best use of our volunteers' expertise and SCORE's resources
- Create better systems and processes to expand our educational impact
Through these improvements, we will help more entrepreneurs succeed while ensuring our volunteers can focus on what they do best - sharing their knowledge and experience with business owners.
Name | Region | Chapter/Team |
Ed Peterlinz | Central | Fox Valley |
Mark Krosse | Central | Cleveland/Ohio District |
Anita Khayat | Central | Cleveland |
George Stobie | Mid-Atlantic | Washington DC |
Don Krasnick | Mid-Atlantic | Philadelphia |
Charlie Morris | Mid-Atlantic | Bucks County |
Pam Nellis | North Midwest | Twin Cities |
Linda Zappulla Gensler | North Midwest | Kansas City |
Matthew Hakes | North Midwest | SE Wisconsin |
Rob Stutzman | Northeast | Boston |
Steven Martin | Northeast | Buffalo Niagara |
Juliette Weiland | Southeast | Charlotte |
Bill Meyer | Southeast | North Central FL |
John Misner | Southeast | Charleston, SC |
Bill Grosskopf | Southwest | Austin |
Angelica Kennedy | Southwest | Houston |
Kat Shepherd | West | Inland Empire |
Wesley Perry | West | Southern AZ |
Dipali Buch | West | Capital Corridor |
Karla Easton | West | Greater Seattle |
Lori Barnes | HQ | External Relations |
Jillian Koesling | HQ | Field Ops |
Kathryn Kelly | HQ | Field Ops |
Shawn Little | HQ | Finance |
Michael Gilman | HQ | Technology |
Cody Giblet | HQ | Marketing |
Alexa Elliott | HQ | Marketing |
Candice Stennett | HQ | Marketing |
Chat Mentoring
Staff Facilitator: Taylor Hedgpeth
SCORE’s chat mentors provide real-time mentoring to business owners through the chat feature on We also use this feature to provide customer service for website visitors. The members of this group not only serve as chat mentors and agents, but they also advise on chat strategy, processes, technology, and metrics. Chat mentoring sessions are logged in Engage and “count” as mentoring sessions for those who participate.
We recently added chat to the Support Center so volunteers can receive immediate support for their questions during chat hours. The Support Team staffs the chat during the hours below to provide support to both clients and volunteers who use the platform. Learn more in the LiveChat Process Guide.
Name | Title | Contact & Hours |
Candice Stennett |
SCORE Marketing Vice President of Marketing |
Linda Stacy
SCORE Marketing Director of Marketing |
Taylor Hedgpeth |
SCORE Marketing Marketing Manager |
Karen Sandoval |
SCORE Marketing Client Support Specialist |
9:00 am - 5:00 pm ET, Mon & Wed |
Mat Tse | SCORE Support Team | 10 am - 2 pm ET, Tues & Thurs |
Asia White | SCORE Support Team | 10 am - 2 pm ET, Tues & Thurs |
Brittany Kadlec | SCORE Support Team | 10 am - 2 pm ET, Tues & Thurs |
Grady Adams | SCORE Support Team | 10 am - 2 pm ET, Tues & Thurs |
Myra Glorioso | SCORE Support Team | 10 am - 2 pm ET, Tues & Thurs |
Allen Zabusky |
SCORE Mentor |
Mentor Profile: Allen Zabusky 9:30 - 11:30 am ET, Mondays |
Bob Janesak |
SCORE Mentor |
Mentor Profile: Bob Janesak 2:00 - 5:00 pm ET, Tues & Thurs |
Cheri Bales |
SCORE Mentor |
Mentor Profile: Cheri Bales 2:00 - 5:00 pm ET, Tues & Thurs |
Cynthia Rhodes | SCORE Mentor |
Mentor Profile: Cynthia Rhodes 3 hours on Wednesday |
Edward Coleman | SCORE Mentor |
Mentor Profile: Ed Coleman 2:00 - 5:00 pm ET, Tues & Thurs |
John Fisher |
SCORE Mentor |
Mentor Profile: John Fisher 2:00 - 5:00 pm ET, Tues & Thurs |
Linda Diou | SCORE Mentor |
Mentor Profile: Linda Diou 2:00 - 5:00 pm ET, Tues & Thurs |
Mark Krosse | SCORE Mentor |
Mentor Profile: Mark Krosse 8:00 - 9:00 am ET, Mon - Sun (tickets & chat) |
Michelle Proksa | SCORE Mentor |
Mentor Profile: Michelle Proksa 2:00 - 5:00 pm ET, Tues & Thurs |
Spencer Bader | SCORE Mentor |
Mentor Profile: Spencer Bader 4:00 - 7:00 pm ET Tues & Thurs |
Mentoring Framework Task Force
Staff Facilitator: Kathryn Kelly, Director of Volunteer Engagement
The primary objectives are to update and improve upon SCORE’s Mentoring Framework.
SCORE’s mentoring approach needs to include not only the behavioral approaches currently found in SLATE but also specific techniques to ensure a high value experience such as steps for how to conduct a first session, how to ensure follow-on sessions, the importance of your profile, just to name a few.
These objectives will be achieved through the following outcomes.
1. Finalize a Mentor Methodology Handbook; a go to resource that contains all mentoring guidance for both provisionals in training and existing mentors. This will become the primary reference for the mentoring process and related policy. Share draft of handbook with respective regional leaders for feedback.
2. Update the Mentor Certification Course for Onboarding; 005 course modules updated
3. Design an Implementation and Rollout for the above; ensure SCORE mentors receive the mentoring guidance and tips they need when they need it
Name | Region | Chapter/Title |
Gary Salisbury | Mid-Atlantic | Washington, DC |
Lori Karbel |
West | Las Vegas |
Bob Janesak | Northeast | Rockland County |
John Strom | West | Northern Nevada |
Chris Ana Lazar | Central | Cleveland |
Debbie Fernandez | Southwest | Corpus Christi |
Jim Weiland | Southeast | Charlotte |
Mike Lewis | Southeast | Pasco-Hernando |
Steve Martin | Northeast | Buffalo Niagara |
Raj Mashruwala | Southwest | Houston |
Khrisna Murphy | HQ | Engage Training Specialist |
Brandon Heishman | HQ | Regional Operations Coordinator (Southwest) |
Candice Stennett | HQ | Vice President of Marketing |
Kathryn Kelly | HQ | Director of Volunteer Engagement |
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