In this internet world, we find everything and everybody using keyword search. This is one fundamental way that we connect as SCORE volunteers.
In your profile summary, use keywords to communicate terms specific to your industry and work experience. Clients, Volunteers, and Client Intake Coordinators use keywords to search for specific areas of expertise.
A strong Profile Summary can contain keywords that are woven into your bio naturally which will create a better reading experience. To prevent negative impacts like getting penalized or driving readers away due to keyword stuffing, it's vital to prioritize crafting high-quality, relevant content that seamlessly incorporates keywords without oversaturating the text.
The Subject Matter Expertise field is for internal search only. Be specific and use only keywords to describe your expertise or industry experience that you actually possess.
Below is an example list of words and phrases that are commonly searched for by SCORE clients. Please note that use of keywords is an important part of helping you to engage with SCORE.
Contents – Expertise Headings
Business Plan
Entrepreneurship | Strategy |
Business Planning | Strategic Planning |
Startup | Financial planning, budgets, cash flow |
Financing/Capital (such as, applying for a loan, building equity capital)
Banking | Grants |
Credit & finance & Lending | Grant writing |
Crowd funding | Investments, investors |
Funding: Angel, Venture, Crowd, Other | Leasing |
Fundraising | Venture Capital |
Managing a Business
Leadership | Purchasing, procurement |
Management | Problem solving |
Brainstorming / focus groups | Process Improvement |
Communications | Product development |
Entrepreneurship | Production Management |
Events/Meetings/Seminars/Conferences | Project management |
Family Business | Prototyping |
Inventory management | Quality assurance & Systems |
Negotiating | Supply Chain |
Negotiation | Transportation & Logistics |
Operations | Turnaround Strategies |
Operations Strategy |
Human Resources/Managing Employees
Benefits & Compensation | Management |
Communications | People Management |
Education | Policies and Procedures |
Training | Management Consulting |
Labor & unions | Recruiting |
Leadership |
Customer Relations
Communications | Events/Meetings/Seminars/Conferences |
Customer Service |
Business Accounting/Budget
Accounting | Bookkeeping |
Billing | Financial planning, budgets, cash flow |
Cash Flow Management
Budgeting/Cash Flow/Forecasting | Credit & Collections |
Billing | Turnaround Strategies |
Bookkeeping | Bankruptcy |
Tax Planning
Tax planning |
Marketing/Sales (promotion, market research, pricing, etc.)
Advertising | Promotion, Merchandising |
Advertising Online | Promotions |
Advertising Traditional | Public Relations |
Affiliate Marketing | Research and development |
Blog, Blogging | Retail Brick and Mortar Storefront |
Brainstorming / focus groups | Sales |
Channel Marketing | Sales business to business |
Events/Meetings/Seminars/Conferences | Sales business to consumer |
Manufacturer's representative | Sales Management |
Marketing | Sales online |
Marketing Analytics | Sales Strategies & techniques |
Marketing: Digital Online | Social Media |
Marketing: Traditional | Wholesaling |
Pricing | Search Engine Optimization SEO |
Government Contracting (including certifications)
Government Contracting | Government Services & Regulations: Federal/State/Municipal |
Franchising |
Buy/Sell Business
Buying or selling a business |
Business software | Computer and MIS |
Computer and Internet | Information Technology/Networks |
eCommerce (using the Internet to do business)
Website Design | Search Engine Optimization SEO |
Social Media |
Legal Issues (such as, Should I incorporate?)
Bankruptcy | Mergers & Acquisitions |
Business Law | Negotiating |
Contracts | Negotiation |
Copyrights, copyrighting | Partnerships |
Intellectual Property | Patents, Copyrights, Trademarks, Intellectual Property |
Legal Business Structure | Trademark |
Legal services |
International Trade
Exports/Imports | International Trade |
Agriculture Related
Agribusiness | Dairy |
Animal Care | Farming |
Business, Service or Product
Accounting | Computer and Internet |
Human Resources |
Promotions |
Management Consulting | Computer and MIS |
Industrial Equipment |
Public Relations |
Apps, Application Development | Construction |
Information Technology/Networks |
Public Speaking |
Apparel | Consulting, Consultant |
Insurance |
Publishing |
Architecture |
Counseling |
Interior Design & Decorating |
Real estate - Commercial |
Art, Artists |
Creativity |
Internet Marketing – e-business |
Real Estate - Residential |
Asian Markets |
Distribution/Logistics |
Jewelry |
Recreation/Sports |
Author |
E-Commerce , ecommerce |
Legal services |
Restaurants & Catering |
Auto Repair |
Electrical, Engineering, Electronics |
Management Consulting |
Retail Online |
Automobile |
Engineering |
Manufacturing |
Safety & Security |
Aviation/Aerospace |
Environment/Solar Energy |
Moving & Storage |
Security |
Beauty Industry |
Exports/Imports |
Music |
Small Business |
Biotech | Fashion |
Negotiating |
Social Media |
Book Publishing |
Fashion Design |
Negotiation |
Software Development & Services |
Bookkeeping |
Fitness & Wellness |
New Product or Service Development & Prototyping |
Streamlining |
Building & Construction |
Food Services, Catering, Restaurants |
Non-Profit |
Telecommunications |
Career Coach |
Food, production, food industry |
Online Services |
Trades: Carpentry, Painting, HVAC, Plumbing, Electrical |
Child Care / Day Care |
Graphic Design |
Personal Care Services (Hair, Nails, etc.) |
Translations |
Cleaning Business | Healthcare |
Pharmaceuticals |
Travel |
Clothing | Home Health Care |
Photography |
Utilities |
Clothing & Accessories: Men's/Women's | Home Improvement/Repair/Maintenance |
Printing (commercial) |
Website Design |
Coach, Coaching | Home-Based Business |
Professional Services |
Communications | Hotels | Promotion, Merchandising |
Relevant Resources:
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