Paying Chapter Bills by Credit Cards
SCORE’s standard procedure to pay vendors is by check or ACH payment. Chapters send approved bills to If it is a new vendor, we also need a W-9 for the vendor. Please see the Getting Bills Paid on the Support Center for instructions or Procedures for Submitting Bills to HQ for Payment. If the vendor cannot be paid via this method (for example, due to time constraints or vendor payment requirements) Chapter Chairs, Co-Chairs, or Treasurers may request to use a SCORE credit card. Cards will not be granted for consumables such as Sam’s Warehouse, Costco, Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts, or the equivalent due to internal control constraints. If the event or service with the vendor has an agreement, please submit that agreement through the Contract Submission Portal for the VP-Finance review and signature. A card can be requested within the portal. For more information on contracts please see the Contracts page on the Support Center.
SCORE has two options for chapters needing to pay a bill by credit card. The main difference is that the American Express Credit Card is to be used only when a vendor cannot accept a virtual credit card (USPS Post Office renewals or Ring Central as an example). The American Express card numbers are controlled by SCORE HQ staff. For all other vendors, please see the vendor-specific virtual credit cards through Mesh Payments.
Vendor-Specific Virtual Credit Cards
SCORE uses a Visa credit card management service called Mesh Payments. This online service allows Chapter Chairs/Co-Chairs and Treasurers to request credit cards managed by their volunteers or admins, one card for each specific vendor, and monitor the transactions in real-time with Mesh Payments. The Card Manager is required to attach itemized bills in PDF format within 5 days to the transaction within the Mesh Payments website. These virtual cards act just like any other credit card, the Card Manager submits the credit card information to the vendor in a safe manner or adds the information to the vendor's website. This works very well for recurring vendors; social media vendors such as Facebook or LinkedIn; or vendors requiring immediate payment at the event. District Directors or Regional Vice Presidents who are interested in this service may request cards payable from their budget using the safe form as well.
Procedures: Using Mesh Payments to Manage a Credit Card
To request access to Mesh Payments or request a card, Chapter Chairs/Co-Chairs and Treasurers may request a SaaS card directly within Mesh Payments if the card manager is already set up or would need to fill out this online form, attaching supporting documentation (fully executed contract if applicable): Form to Request Access or Credit Cards through Mesh Payments.
American Express Credit Card
For vendors who do not accept a virtual credit card, such as USPS POst Office Box renewals, the SCORE American Express Credit Card is an option. SCORE HQ must provide the credit card information directly to the vendor. SCORE volunteers will not have access to the American Express card information. Please fill out and have the Chapter Chair/Co-Chair or approval designee send along with supporting documentation (fully executed contract if applicable) directly to the SCORE Controller.
American Express Credit Card Request Form
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