Use of Funds
Chapters may use any funds to reimburse volunteers of the chapter for expenses that support the mission of SCORE. The following are normal expenses for chapter operations. Note: Chapter funds cannot be used for expenses of a personal nature or for the personal benefit of the chapter’s volunteers.
- Postage, office supplies, office equipment, software, publications, furniture, property and liability insurance, volunteer recognition and chapter rent. Chapters should submit volunteer Form 14s, Total Expense Reimbursement Form, to SCORE Headquarters. The chapter chair or the chair’s designee must approve expenses reimbursed to chapter volunteers. The District Director must approve Form 14s paid directly to the chapter chairs.
- Advertising and marketing programs to enhance public knowledge and client awareness of SCORE services and the recruitment of volunteers.
- Workshop activities, including advertising, purchase of materials, equipment for presentations and room rental costs.
- Promotion of and cooperation in activities with other groups or agencies that support small businesses, including dues or registration fees.
- All items, including computer equipment, postage meters, telephones and supplies purchased with chapter funds or appropriated funds are for official SCORE business. This includes items donated in the name of SCORE.
- Travel expenses, including mileage, parking, taxis, per diem, airfare, hotel expenses and miscellaneous expenses will be reimbursed to volunteers via a properly completed and approved Form 14, Total Expense Reimbursement Form. Reimbursement is at the discretion of the chapter when approved by the District Director. Please see the Reimbursements page for additional details on reimbursable travel expenses.
- Note: the $0.25 per mile is above the $0.14 per mile rate for charitable miles, but volunteers always has the option to deduct non-reimbursed miles driven for SCORE on their tax returns.
Restricted vs Unrestricted Funds
Restricted Funds
• All monies reimbursed from SCORE Headquarters, as well as locally generated Program income from chapter operations (including chapter level revenues from workshop programs), are considered to be federal funds and subject to restrictions from SCORE’s federal grant.
• No monies can be used as donations to any other organization
• No monies can be awarded or given in any other capacity to any SCORE client.
Unrestricted Funds
• Private and corporate donations to SCORE can be considered unrestricted from the SCORE Association federal grant.
• Chapters are responsible for the expenses of their branches. The chapter chair or the chair’s designee must approve all expenses for branches, including those of the volunteers.
• All chapter funds, even unrestricted funds, belong to the SCORE Association. If the chapter closes for any reason, all monies revert to the SCORE Headquarters office.
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