At SCORE, we understand how important your onboarding experience is to enable your future success as a Volunteer. Your feedback is very important to us and we'd like to hear directly from you about your experiences during your first 3 months with SCORE.
We invite volunteers in their first 3 months with SCORE to respond to our New Volunteer Survey. This survey goes out via email invitation from an independent third party, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), who administers the survey on behalf of SCORE. Survey responses will be returned to and tabulated by PwC. All individual responses will be kept completely confidential by PwC.
Anonymous survey data is available for all chapters, districts and regions to view in hopes it will help with your local volunteer onboarding as well.
To Access:
Please follow the NEW PORTAL link and directions below to view Chapter-level Survey Reports:
Username: The For example, Chapter 0031 username:
Password: Score2020!
**Password is case sensitive and must be typed in**
District and Regional Survey Report logins follow similar naming conventions like,
When you log in Select the Survey Year.
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