For chapters interested in using 8x8 as their telecommunications platform, you'll want to submit 8x8 Onboarding Form
You can also send an email to for more details about 8x8 features offered to SCORE Chapters.
The rates negotiated with 8x8 for SCORE are:
Chapters using 8x8:
SCORE SE Minnesota
SCORE Alabama
SCORE Austin
SCORE Cape Fear
SCORE Capital Corridor
SCORE Central Florida
SCORE Central NY
SCORE Denver
SCORE East Bay
SCORE Eastern CT
SCORE Bucks County
SCORE South Sound - Tacoma
SCORE Greater Knoxville
SCORE Modesto-Merced
SCORE New York City
SCORE Northern Arizona
SCORE Philadelphia
SCORE Western MA
SCORE Southeast Minnesota
Alternative recommendations that other chapters have used include:
Vonage, used by SCORE Cleveland
Grasshopper, used by SCORE Pinellas County
**Please note: Vonage is currently pending a National Account. Contact for more information.
**Grasshopper and Google Voice do not have SCORE National Accounts set up at this time.**
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