For chapters interested in using 8x8 as their telecommunications platform, you'll want to contact the 8x8 representative for SCORE.
Please provide the following to Richard Aal, Account Manager at
Be sure to mention you’re a SCORE Association Chapter.
- Chapter name:
- Chapter number:
- Chapter Address (street, city and zip code):
- Chapter e-mail address (if different than yours):
- Chapter Phone number:
- Name on the account (Chapter admin/Point of contact):
- Total number of users/numbers:
- Name of current carrier:
- Attach a list of current numbers:
You can also reach out to Richard directly at 408-620-5514 (toll free) over at 8x8 for more details products offered to SCORE Chapters.
The rates negotiated with 8x8 for SCORE are:
- No set-up costs
- $19/user per month for standard X2 phone line (we recommend this for most cases)
- +taxes and fees = $27.64/month
- $30/user per month for X4 operator switchboard phone line
- +taxes and fees
Chapters using 8x8:
- SCORE SE Minnesota
Alternative recommendations that other chapters have used include:
- Vonage, used by SCORE Cleveland
- Grasshopper, used by SCORE Pinellas County
**Please note: Vonage is currently pending a National Account. Contact for more information.
**Grasshopper and Google Voice do not have SCORE National Accounts set up at this time.**
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