Due to SCORE’s status as a non-profit association funded through government grants, we ask that you adhere to a few guidelines. This document covers guidelines for both SCORE Volunteer Presenters and non-SCORE Volunteer Presenters.
This document should be downloaded and signed by workshop presenters.
Download Presenter Guidelines.
Presenter Requirements:
1. Prohibition of Promotion, Selling, or Advertising:
- Presenters are strictly prohibited from promoting, selling, or advertising any product or service during the workshop.
2. Resource Listing Requirement:
- Presenters must provide at least three related resources whenever listing a company, products or services, or any other third-party source as a resource to the audience.
3. Political Neutrality:
- Presenters must refrain from promoting political leanings or views during the workshop.
4. Timely Submission of Information:
- Presenters must submit the title, description, presenter names, and bios by the due date provided by the Webinar Host/Event Manager before the event for registration and promotional purposes.
- Presenters must provide SCORE with final presentation slides and related content materials no later than 48 hours before the workshop event date.
5. Presentation Content and Appearance:
- All presentation content must be educational and serve SCORE's mission and values. Promotional and sales-based content is not permitted.
- SCORE volunteer presenters (only presenters who are current SCORE volunteers) must use SCORE templates or neutral (non-branded) templates and are prohibited from including any personal business contact information on presentation slides. SCORE volunteers may only share their SCORE contact information and must comply with SCORE’s Code of Ethics.
- Non-SCORE volunteer presenters (only presenters who are not SCORE volunteers) are encouraged to use SCORE or neutral (non-branded) templates when feasible. Non-SCORE business information materials should be limited to the presentation's introduction and conclusion.
- Non-SCORE business disclaimers are allowed to protect proprietary content.
- Unless otherwise agreed to by SCORE and other parties, SCORE may record and redistribute presentation material at its discretion.
6. Data Privacy/ No Unsolicited Communications:
- Participants must opt-in to receive any additional communication from the presenter.
- Presenters are prohibited from sending unsolicited communications to SCORE clients, chapters, or volunteers to promote their products/services.
7. Presenter Recognition:
- Non-SCORE volunteer presenters may include their personal business contact information. The information may not be displayed more frequently than the presentation's introduction and conclusion.
- Presenters may leave business cards for clients to pick up after an in-person event:
- SCORE Volunteer Presenters may only leave SCORE business cards.
- Non-SCORE Presenters may leave their professional business cards.
- Presenters may include their contact information with virtual chat mediums.
8. Truthful Representation of Content:
- Presenters must ensure that all content presented is truthful and accurately represents the information provided. Misleading or false information is strictly prohibited.
Consequences of Violation:
- Any other agreements between SCORE and the presenter may not supersede the terms of these requirements.
- Violating any of these guidelines may result in the cancellation of the workshop, and the presenter will not be invited to present additional SCORE workshops.
Please update. You have no item #6, and two item #8s.
still learning to navigate apparently
thank you
a new provisional is asking on LiveChat
"once signed, where does it go? where is it sent?"
can it be digitally signed in a PDF instead of printing paper?
To the workshop chair/team. Should be read, understood and signed by all WPs.
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