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Volunteer Intake and Onboarding Process



  • SCORE Staff

    Updates effective 2/13/24

    • VIC application screening process has been clarified. They do not currently do a tech skill evaluation or screening interviews.
      • VIC’s Application review checklist has been clarified for transparency on what they are looking for.
      • VIC will communicate to assigned interviewers the application findings and any questions.
    • VIC Metrics have been clarified to actionable items within their control. Upcoming Leadership Reports will reflect this.
      • VIC Metrics (and all pilot metrics) should begin comparing Pilot Regions (combined) to non-pilot regions (combined). Current competition is being perceived and is undermining One SCORE culture.
    • VIC is clarifying themselves as the main support contact for volunteer applicants, up until time Coach is assigned
      • For items the Support Team needs to jump in on (ie. password resets) process is being established where VIC and Support Team member will collaborate instead of directing the new volunteer to other resources without oversight.
    • Communication templates from VIC have been updated
      • Chapter Chairs/Co-Chairs/Vice Chairs (in case of no Chair) will be copied on the Initial Provisional Welcome Email, Coach assignment email, and any reminder emails if onboarding time is running out
      • Onboarding Checklist will be shared with Provisional in Welcome Email to know what to expect
      • Engage notifications have been added to the process document for transparency. Currently under review to make sure all notifications are going out consistently and as outlined.
      • All template emails are being updated with VIC feedback and improved transparency.
    • Conditions on which Interviewer #1 may reject an application without consulting a 2nd interviewer are clarified (ie. conflict of interest, applicant wanted a mentor – not to BE a mentor, etc.). All other cases not listed will require minimum 2 interviewers to enter dispositions.
    • If the interviewer learns that a prospective member cannot begin immediately, they should notify the RVIC before entering a disposition so timeline expectations can be managed.
    • Once approved – Chair will receive notification of new volunteer.
      • Chair can welcome volunteer and invite them to chapter meetings. Chairs should *not* add local processes on to the new volunteer at this time.
      • Chair can help begin to line up coach
    • Online Modules should be completed within 14 days
      • Simple Steps module has been moved to 009 in LMS so that volunteers *can* easily access this when they are doing the other modules, but noted that they have more time for this module in particular
      • Copying Chapter Chairs on reminder if 001-008 are not completed within 14 days
      • After 14 days, ROC to call provisional to let them know timeline has ended.
        • If provisional is responsive and engaged, ROC can offer 14 day extension.
        • If provisional is not responsive, they are withdrawn and notification sent to CC also.
    • Coach to act as first co-mentor and assist with assigning other co-mentoring sessions. VIC to still oversee co-mentoring assignments ultimately.
    • Coach & Co-mentoring training being updated to tailor for new provisional progress (#1 - Listen #2 - Listen & Feedback #3 - Listen & Contribute)
    • VIC to share Engage Training Recording AND let provisional know when the next live event is coming. Engaged volunteers will want to take advantage of all resources available to them – allowing them to get “credit” for completing the Engage Training in a timely manner, AND attending live for Q&A when it makes the most sense to them. (Some may choose to take Engage training again after they are Active, because they will have hands-on access to Engage at this time)
    • Once Volunteer is complete with onboarding and Active, VIC to notify CICs for quick assignment of new clients and immediate engagement
    • Reporting Updates:
      • ROCs providing each District (and all Chapters within) a weekly digest on Mondays of all provisionals in the District and their status to acceptance
  • Sarah Meiklejohn

    Updated 5/9/24 to include latest RVIC email templates.


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