To ensure our training content remains relevant and up to date, we are in the process of updating materials used in the One SCORE Pilot Process. This change is designed to save you time and effort, eliminating the need to retake obsolete training courses.
The updated version of training for key roles (Interviewers, Coaches, Co-mentors for Provisionals) is being finalized and will be made available in the coming months. Moving forward, updated and enhanced training content will be added directly to our Learning Management System (LMS). All courses will be tracked within Engage, ensuring your progress is automatically recorded and easily accessible.
This update will:
- Provide you with the most current and effective resources.
- Simplify the tracking of completed training.
- Improve your overall learning experience.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation as we enhance our training processes. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to your Regional Vice President.
Summary of role:
In One SCORE, the Coach is a local liaison for Provisional Volunteers during onboarding. The Coach is introduced after the online training modules are completed and ahead of the required co-mentoring sessions.
The Coach will:
- Connect with Provisional Volunteer
- Serve as resource for questions
- Act as Lead Mentor for one of the 3 required co-mentoring sessions
- Socialize the Provisional with Chapter Leaders and other local Chapter members
- Conduct Local Orientation
- Collaborate with Regional Volunteer Intake Coordinator (RVIC) throughout Provisional Volunteer's training period to ensure they are moving through their onboarding
- May assist Provisional Volunteer with profile updates, completing the Simple Steps to Starting Your Business Workshop, and/or attending Mentoring in Engage training session
- Volunteer Onboarding Guidelines
- SLATE in Action guide for Provisionals
- Co-Mentor Guide (including for working with Provisionals)
To become a Coach - contact your Chapter Chair and review the required training information (coming soon).
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Updated 1/7/25 to include updated One SCORE guidance.
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