- Always act professionally and treat all clients, volunteers, and staff with respect.
- Do not engage in any form of insensitive behavior or sexual harassment.
- Do not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, gender identity/expression, national origin, age, religion, marital status, handicap or sexual orientation.
- Do not engage in any destructive behavior against SCORE, its members and clients, or its operations (physically, verbally, in writing or online)
- Always place the business interests of SCORE clients first.
- Protect the confidentiality of all client information so that it remains within SCORE.
- Never judge a client or their idea and strive to create a long-term relationship with all clients.
- Ensure that every client is aware of the ongoing services and resources available to them from SCORE.
- If asked about outside professional services, identify, whenever feasible, at least three sources from which the client may select.
- Conduct all SCORE activities to avoid any conflict of interest between a volunteer’s personal or business interests and the interests of SCORE clients. This includes not recommending the purchase of goods or services in which there is a direct or indirect interest to you, your family, or your professional colleagues.
- Do not become an officer, director, shareholder, investor, or partner of any for-profit clients, nor provide direct funding, of any type, to any SCORE client that you have mentored, worked with, or developed any kind of relationship with while providing services on behalf of SCORE.
- Do not vet, advocate, or promote any tool, partner, sponsor, or services provider.
- Offer services at no charge to SCORE clients, not accepting fees, honoraria, payment for travel or other expenses incidental to mentoring, or any other activity, nor accept fees, commissions, kickbacks or things of value from third parties when. recommending products or services to a client
- Never solicit business from any SCORE client.
- Never become an employee, paid contractor, or professional consultant to a client’s business.
More of the Specific Policy Regarding Volunteers and Any Form of Compensation
The SCORE Association must avoid engaging in any actions that may harm the integrity of this program. The SCORE Association members and its employees must avoid both organizational and individual conflicts of interest in accordance with the principles identified in 2 C.F.R. § 2701.112.
Accordingly, under NO circumstances may a SCORE Volunteer Member receive compensation for activities on behalf of SCORE. This applies to both restricted and unrestricted funds.
Volunteers and companies in their control shall not accept compensation for services from SCORE or from clients of SCORE, this is considered a conflict of interest under the SOM Conflict of Interest and Compensation sections of the Code of Ethics. Chapters may reimburse volunteers for expenses directly incurred on behalf of SCORE if the expense follows all guidelines. Reimbursement to SCORE volunteers for expenses incurred in their provision of SCORE services is not compensation or wages for tax or other purposes.
Contractors and paid administrative support who are hired by SCORE to provide services to SCORE may not become Volunteer Members of the Association and thus may not provide client services (as outline the SOM) to clients on behalf of SCORE.
- Adhere to all membership requirements set forth in the SOM.
- When representing SCORE, use your email address.
- When representing SCORE, clearly identify yourself orally and in print with your SCORE title, current SCORE-branded business card, and signature block on all communications.
- When representing SCORE publicly, refrain from statements that are critical of SCORE, its sponsors or the SBA, or that promote any political party, elected official or candidate for elected office.
Read, understand, and commit to the entire Code of Ethics annually.
How do i take the test?
Deborah Chaney
Same question as Howard Ross, How do I take the annual ethics test
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