Appropriate Use of Email and IT Systems
In accordance with SCORE’s Code of Ethics, SCORE volunteers must not utilize the communications services and equipment used by SCORE in any way that may be seen as insulting, disruptive, or offensive to other persons, or harmful to morale. Examples of forbidden transmissions include sexually explicit messages, cartoons, or jokes; ethnic or racial slurs; or any other message that can be construed to be harassment or disparagement of others based on their sex, race, sexual orientation, age, national origin, religious beliefs, or other personal characteristics or circumstances.
Examples of Appropriate Email Use
Individuals at SCORE are encouraged to use email to further the goals and objectives of SCORE. The types of activities that are encouraged include:
Communicating with fellow employees, donors, business partners of SCORE, and clients within the context of an individual’s assigned responsibilities (e.g., mentoring communication, chapter administrative activities, etc.)
Acquiring or sharing information necessary or related to the performance of an individual’s assigned responsibilities.
Examples of Inappropriate Email Use
The following activities are deemed inappropriate uses of SCORE systems and services and are prohibited:
Use of email for illegal or unlawful purposes, including copyright infringement, obscenity, libel, slander, fraud, defamation, plagiarism, harassment, intimidation, forgery, impersonation, soliciting for illegal pyramid schemes, and computer tampering (e.g. spreading of computer viruses).
Use of email in any way that violates SCORE’s policies, rules, or administrative orders, included in the SCORE Operating Manual.
Opening email attachments from unknown or unsigned sources. Attachments are the primary source of computer viruses and should be treated with utmost caution.
Excessive personal use of SCORE email resources. SCORE allows limited personal use for communication with family and friends, independent learning, and public service so long as it does not pre-empt any business activity or consume more than a trivial amount of resources. SCORE prohibits personal use of its email systems and services for unsolicited mass, solicitations, mailings, political campaigning, and dissemination of chain letters.
Monitoring and Confidentiality
The email systems and services used at SCORE are owned by the organization and are therefore its property. This gives SCORE the right and responsibility to monitor all email traffic passing through its email system. While the organization does not actively read end-user email, Technology Department employees may inadvertently read email messages during the normal course of managing the email system.
Use extreme caution when communicating confidential or sensitive information via email. Keep in mind that all email messages sent outside of SCORE become the property of the receiver. A good rule is to not communicate anything that you wouldn’t feel comfortable being made public. Demonstrate particular care when using the “Reply” command during email correspondence.
Appropriate Use of SCORE Equipment
SCORE volunteers are responsible for the safe keeping and return of any SCORE owned equipment or property that the volunteer is allowed to use as a SCORE member. Volunteers using or in possession of SCORE property or equipment should take care to keep the equipment and/or property safe and free from avoidable damage. SCORE equipment should only be used for SCORE programs.
SCORE reserves the right to take any lawful action to recover or protect company property and equipment.
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