National Chapter of the Year (COTY) Award
The National Chapter of the Year is the highest annual recognition for chapters in SCORE. Historically, chapters have been measured on key metrics like number of clients seen or number of workshops held and the growth in these areas. More recently, these operational metrics are considered in conjunction with how the chapter achieved success and the key cultural items that created an environment for success. Specifically, the primary areas are Volunteer, Client, and Community Engagement, along with Sustainability.
The benefits for Chapter of the Year winners have significantly increased publicity, improved client awareness, easier recruiting, and better volunteer and community engagement. Past winners have used the momentum of the award and recognition to create sustained growth and performance in their chapters.
Download visual slides describing the COTY Program.
There will now be three levels of recognition for COTY: District, Region, and National.
- Each District COTY will be selected by the District Director. DD will send winners to RVP.
- Each Region COTY will be selected from the District winners by the Region VP along with their District Directors. RVP will send winners to SCORE HQ.
- The National COTY will be selected from the Region winners by the RVPs and the VP – Field Operations.
Below is the criteria used for the selections...
Chapters do NOT need to apply! There is no application process required for consideration of the COTY awards.
The final selection of the winners will be announced at the annual COTY Awards Event.
National Chapter of the Year Award Criteria
Download COTY selection form checklist here.
Objective Criteria
- Meets all chapter minimum standards (as outlined in the SOM)
- Client Engagement Index
- Growth in Total Unique Clients Served
- Growth in Total Services
- NPS Score
- Volunteer Engagement Index
- Diversity Goals
- Growth in Total Training Attendees
- Local workshop and webinars (not recorded views)
Subjective Criteria
- Active Community Partnering
- DD criteria examples: 1) Free space by Partner; 2) co-sponsoring a workshop with Partner; 3) using Partner’s e-mail list to promote a SCORE event; 4) on a Partner’s Advisory Board (or vice versa); 5) in-kind dollars provided by Partner; 6) number of active partners, etc.
- Chapter score on Client Engagement Survey Question:
- “SCORE helped me.”
- Local Fundraising activities and results
- Regularly recognized volunteers
- Having a Volunteer recognition plan,
- Select questions from the Client & Volunteer surveys regarding ONE SCORE
Chapter Sustainability Criteria
- Maintains a written updated operational/tactical business plan. Plan must include local marketing plans, metrics, goals, timelines and named responsibilities for implementation.
- Reviews operational plan on a quarterly basis with district director
- Succession plan in place with named roles accepted by those individuals
- Process to ensure ALL client contact information, mentoring sessions, and workshop attendee information is recorded accurately and timely
Comments: “Explain why your Chapter should be Chapter of the Year”
- This should be completed by the District COTY award winners to assist in the selection for the Region and National awards.
- What other accomplishments have the chapter achieved in the past year" limited to 100/200 words (or via a short 2 min video)
Presentation of the National Chapter of the Year Award
The District, Region and National Chapter of the Year winners will be announced during a virtual ceremony in February. This ceremony will be open to all SCORE members, staff and Board of Directors.
Note: In addition, the National Chapter of the Year Award is presented to the representative of the winning chapter at the annual SBA Small Business Week award presentations.
The winning chapter designates the person most responsible for the chapter’s success to receive the award.
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