Where can I find templates for writing a press release?
Customizable SCORE press release templates can be found in the support center. Each template includes a suggested outline as well as the official SCORE boilerplate and our SBA partnership information.
How do I submit a press release?
For helpful tips on How to Create a Local Media List and How to Build and Maintain Media Relationships (including how and where to send your press release), please see these links in the support center.
Does SCORE National have a subscription to one of the press release distribution services (PR Newswire, Business Wire, etc.) that we could leverage?
SCORE National does have a subscription for PR Newswire that is used roughly 1-3 times a month for SCORE national news – typically regarding our monthly campaigns, national events and small business trends. Unfortunately, our budget does not provide for sending releases on behalf of local chapters. We strongly suggest establishing a local media list and building local media relationships as best practice for sharing your chapter’s news with the media.
Does SCORE National have any other media contacts we can leverage?
Our public relations team (media@score.org) is here to provide additional guidance as needed. Do you have a local story that warrants wider attention? Contact our team for support and insights into reporters and outlets that would be a good fit.
Do we need to get approval from SCORE National before sending out a press release?
No. Chapters are welcome to send out press releases without getting approval from SCORE National. However, we suggest following the format of provided press release templates when possible. Please avoid political commentary in your public statements. Our focus is on supporting America’s small businesses, no matter which administration is in office at the time.
General tips for writing a press release:
Ensure that your release includes the 5 W’s: Who, What, When, Where and Why. A few questions to ask when writing your release are: Who is my target audience? What specifically am I trying to announce and is it clearly stated? What are the impacts or benefits of the news I am sharing in this release? Why is this newsworthy?
For additional questions or suggestions, please email our public relations team at media@score.org.
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