SCORE North Cook and Lake Counties Mentor Alan Sipe's contact with the Editor of Professional Distributor Magazine is going to give SCORE a national reach into the automotive distributor and tool community. Alan already serves as a guest writer for the magazine, and suggested that SCORE had much to offer their audience of mobile and warehouse tool vendors, as well as the clients of those vendors, automotive repair, restoration and dealership activities, as well as other related industry outlets. Professional Distributor | Vehicle Service Pros is the link to see some of the ways SCORE materials will reach this group of potential clients.
Alan Sipe's continuing involvement and connection to the automotive parts industry has resulted in a request that Chapter Chair, Jennifer Lang, received from the Vehicle Service Pros contact to further extend SCORE information through her extensive network. Alan had already connected Amanda Silliker with Jennifer Lang to ask if SCORE materials could be used in their e-magazine. Of course the answer was a resounding "yes" as all of our public website can be curated!
If you look at the link included below, you'll see that SCORE articles are now noted monthly, and Alan Sipe has continued to produce his own articles as well.
8:02 AM (48 minutes ago) |
Hi Jennifer,
Thank you for letting us use your blogs. I hope you’ve noticed we have used quite a few already and they are doing well with our readers! You can see an updated list by visiting your company page on our site:
I have two propositions for you.
- I am now overseeing Motor Age and I was wondering if someone from Score would write an article for the print magazine? We have 100,000 subscribers who are mostly small shop owners, so it’s the perfect audience for Score. This article would be exclusive to us and cannot appear on the Score website or elsewhere until at least 90 days after it is published on our website. It goes on the website after print and we push it in our e-newsletter and on social channels. We can determine topic together, but I am quite open to your suggestions. There would be a byline, headshot and bio as well. it would be around 700 words.
- Would you be open to perhaps once per quarter sending us a blog for the Professional Distributor newsletter (which may also be picked up by Motor Age, ABRN, PTEN and others) that we have on our site first before it goes anywhere else? We are trying hard to do more ‘web exclusives’ and be the first to get a scoop, so to speak, so we are asking all our bloggers to do this. For this one, you could post it on your own site 30 days after it is posted to ours.
Please let me know your thoughts. I am exciting to build upon this relationship.
Thanks for your consideration,
Jennifer Lang shared with us, "I will of course respond to her that we are totally interested and supportive! This is a great demonstration of how one volunteer has made a nationwide difference in spreading awareness about SCORE. I have copied our Education and Marketing Committee co-Chairs, Alan Blitz, Jim Axelrad and John Fisher. Alan Blitz is a well established media and public relations expert who has the ability to reach local media. He's had solid success in having SCORE profiled in client success stories. It's my view that he and Alan Sipe are the best "SCORE team" to put together the pieces Amanda is asking about as their combined backgrounds cover both the logistical and industry-specific needs. I would need to know who in HQ they should connect with to be sure it is nationally approved.
Congratulations Alan Sipe!!!! Keep Doing What You're Doing! jhl"
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