We are honored to recognize Bill Hampton, SCORE Atlanta Mentor, Subject Matter Expert, and Workshop Presenter, with the following note received from the SBA Georgia District Office:
Wow!! You are a real precious treasure to SCORE Georgia and our SBA Georgia District Office.
We respect your work and highly value your services.
Thank you for using your strong voice, leadership platform, and your *own* real-life business experiences to develop in men and women the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed for successful entrepreneurship.
- You rocked the house during our ‘Protect yourSELF and your business … with a RISKManagement Plan’ webinar.
Your presentation surpassed, far beyond, our greatest expectation.
Thank you for revealing critical strategies to protect small businesses from temporary interruptions that could cause permanent failure in business.
We are grateful for the treasure of tools and resources that you have so generously provided to empower industry leaders to WIN in business!!
Thanks to you, more than ever before, SBA Means Business in Georgia.
Patrice Dozier (SCORE Liaison)
Economic Development Specialist
SBA Georgia District Office
U.S. Small Business Administration
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