Each week SCORE North Metor Atlanta's Chapter Chair, Roman Ptakowski, carefully curates an email to the chapter members highlighting key updates, news, and recognizing successes. It's incredibly motivating and the chapter has achieved so much in the past year! Check out Roman's email with the NMA team to kick of Fiscal Year 2022:
To: SCORE North Metro Atlanta Chapter Members
Have you heard of the LEGEND OF THE PHOENIX? It is the story of a Magnificent Bird from ancient Greek and Egyptian mythology. After it dies it is reborn from its ashes. Its new incarnation is even more wondrous than before.
North Metro Atlanta's (NMA) Phoenix Moment was last week as we put FY21 behind us and started FY22. The chapter accomplished much last year and ended on a solid footing for the future. With the standard you set in FY21, getting better still will be monumental, however you have shown you are up to the task. In the coming weeks you'll hear about new initiatives to help clients, outreach to existing and new community partners, and Volunteer networking.
1 - FY21 Client Engagement Survey is launched on October 21.
This is the annual survey of SCORE clients conducted by Price Waterhouse Cooper on behalf of SCORE National. This is the survey that generates the data by Chapter of new businesses started, new jobs created, and insights on client expectations.
We use this data to enhance our local marketing efforts. Please encourage your clients to respond to the survey so we can glean ways to improve the support we provide.
Key dates:
October 18, 2021 - Survey Launch
October 27, 2021 - Survey Reminders begin going out weekly
December 03, 2021 – Survey Closes to Clients
January 27, 2022 – Survey Completion
2 - Georgia District vs National and SE Region performance
Barry Coates, our Georgia District Director provided the following statistics. NMA is a major contributor to these results. The Chapter represents more than half the district.
3 - Client Comments indicate we are off to a good start in FY22.
HG: Gerald Brown - took his time to understand my situation and suggested solutions to my questions
MR: Mike Ostien - provided good information. I am very grateful
CD: Frank Perkowski - knowledgeable
SR: Rick Knowles - gained good insight; will be beneficial going forward
JW - Mike Disbrow - really encouraging
CS: Roger Vernier - very informative and helpful
SG: LaKiesha Tucker - very knowledgeable
CP: Arvind Shah - my mentor was awesome
PB: Mike Disbrow - professional and helpful
Comment of the week:
GN: Judith Ross - Judith is fantastic! I feel that she is in my corner. She offers many suggestions that could help me and works on getting connected with others that may support me. She is knowledgeable, friendly, and professional!
4 - Update on the effort to Improve Matching between Client Requests and Mentor Expertise
a - Latest Actions
Based on your feedback, the prequalification response had been modified to make it more inviting. Essentially it asks for more information to improve mentor matching, advises where to send it, and provides resources if the client prefers to DIY.
b - Results
Last week three of eight (3 of 8) clients replied with more information and have been provided with a mentor. This week so far four of eleven(4 of 11) have responded. It appears we have struck a good balance
Although we cannot specifically tie it to the redesigned website, there has been a sharp decline in the number of clients providing little or no information on what type of business they would like assistance with. In August we averaged fifteen (15) such requests weekly. For the first three weeks of September the number was twelve (12).
Perhaps the inclusion of FAQs has played a role.
c - Next Steps
The clients will be provided with more explicit instructions on how to get the follow up information into the Engage system themselves thereby speeding up our assignment of a mentor.
The current SCORE Business Plan and Financial Template resources are probably overwhelming and intimidating to our prospective entrepreneurs. The instructions on how to create a Business Plan and fill out key Financial Spreadsheets will be simplified.
I did get some Business Plan outlines that will become the basis of a simpler version. The key financial spreadsheets will be stripped out of the comprehensive SCORE Financial template. The missing element that needs to be constructed is a step by step guide on how to populate the documents.
5 - Next Chapter Meeting is Thursday, October 14th starting at 10:30am.
Please plan to attend.
As always, please stay safe,
Roman Ptakowski, SCORE North Metro Atlanta, Chapter Chair
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