Developed and Presented by Tom Hughes, SCORE Seattle, for 2020 Virtual Leadership Conference
View the full presentation here:
Chapter Organization Structure
- There is no single Organizational Structure for all chapters
- Structures vary by size of chapter, level of community involvement, and whether a chapter has a workshop program or not
- Chapters need some structure for division of responsibilities and to avoid burnout
- Following are sample organizational structures for small, mid-sized, and large chapters
Chapter Organizational Structure
(Small Chapter - Traditional)
- Marketing, Outreach, Membership, and other responsibilities typically divided amongst these three positions
- Some chapters may have one or more chairs for some of these functions
- Some chapters may only have a Chapter Chair and either a Vice Chair or Treasurer
- Typically, there is no Executive Committee
Chapter Organizational Structure
(Mid-Sized Chapter - Traditional)
- Workshop, Sponsorship, Mentor Development, and other responsibilities typically divided amongst these six positions
- Some chapters may have one or more chairs for some of these additional functions
- Typically, this team constitutes the Executive Committee
Chapter Organizational Structure
(Large Chapter - Traditional)
- Large chapters typically have more functional chairs to divide up the workload
- Some of these functional chairs head up committees (Marketing Committee, Workshop Committee, etc.)
- May have one or more branches with Branch Managers
Chapter Organizational Structure (Alternative)
This structure is a potential alternative to the traditional chapter organizational structure. Traditional functions would fall under each of these four key roles.
Other considerations
- Some chapters have two (or more) Chapter Chairs that share the workload and/or alternate months (e.g. snowbirds)
- Some chapters have two to four Vice Chairs
- Key is to decide what structure works best for your chapter
- Appendix contains functional responsibilities for each of the positions
- Don’t try to do it all yourself
- Identify others in the chapter to lead various functions and solicit their help
- Get new mentors involved in a committee based on their background right away (future leaders)
- Leave a sustainable organizational structure for future leaders
- Remember: “Many Hands Make Light Work”
Job Descriptions
Chapter Chair Functional Responsibilities
- CEO of the Chapter
- Leads and Motivates Volunteers
- Sets the Vision and Strategic Direction
- Sets the Tone and the Pace for the Chapter
- Selects/Oversees Leadership Team (ExComm)
- Oversees all Chapter Operations
- Key Focus Areas:
- Volunteer Engagement
- Client Engagement
- Community Engagement
- Activities outside of these areas should be distributed to others whenever possible
Vice Chair Functional Responsibilities
- “Chapter Chair in Training”
- Generally takes on selected activities such as:
- Performance Management and Reporting
- Administrative Activities
- Runs Chapter Meetings if Chair is Absent
- Many Chapters have Multiple Vice Chairs who Share the Workload
Admin Functional Responsibilities
- Some Chapters have a Paid Admin; others use Volunteers
- Responsible for Day-to-Day Office Operations:
- Assigning Clients to Mentors
- Assigning MREs (Mentoring Requests)
- Supporting Workshops
- Administrative Activities such as Expense Processing
- Mail, Phones, Walk-Ins
- Supporting Chapter Chair and Leadership Team
Secretary Functional Responsibilities
- Responsible for Chapter Meeting Minutes
- May perform other functions as well
- Many chapters combine this role with other roles
Treasurer Functional Responsibilities
- Responsible for Financial Activities of the Chapter
- Day-to-Day Accounting
- Financial Reporting
- Expense Reimbursement from National
- Banking
- Attending Quarterly Finance Calls with National
Membership Chair Functional Responsibilities
- Responsible for all things related to Membership:
- Recruiting
- Vetting New Applicants
- Ensuring Certification Completion
- Overseeing Onboarding Process
- Assigning Coaches to New Mentors
- Disciplining/Dismissing Under-Performing Mentors
- Member Engagement (with Chapter Chair)
Outreach Chair Functional Responsibilities
- Responsible for Chapter Outreach Activities
- Identifying/Working with Partner Organizations
- Speaking/Panel Engagements
- Spreading SCORE's Mission and Vision to the community
- Identifying Volunteers to Represent SCORE at Outreach Activities
- Providing Leads to Development Chair
Development Chair Functional Responsibilities
- Responsible for Fundraising Activities
- Identifying Potential Sponsors
- Building Personal Relationships with Sponsors
- Communicating Regularly with Sponsors
- Works Closely with Outreach and Marketing Chairs
Marketing Chair Functional Responsibilities
- Responsible for Building SCORE Awareness
- Collateral
- Success Stories
- Advertising/PSAs
- Social Media (Website, Facebook, etc.)
- Chapter Newsletters
Social Media Chair Functional Responsibilities
- Responsible for Building SCORE Online Community
- Chapter Social Media Account Management
- Audience Engagement
- Content Creation - Success Stories, Mentor Spotlights, etc.
- Optional Paid Social Media Campaigns Opt In
- Social Media Analytics Dashboard Review
Workshop Chair Functional Responsibilities
- Responsible for Client-Facing Workshop Program
- Identifying New Workshop Topics
- Identifying/Vetting Workshop Presenters
- Managing Workshop Schedule
- Reviewing Workshop Surveys and Making Changes as Appropriate
Mentor Development Chair Functional Responsibilities
- Responsible for Mentor Education Program to Support SCORE’s “Lifelong Learning” Vision
- Mentor Education at Chapter Meetings
- Identifying/Vetting Outside Speakers
- Identifying/Vetting SMEs in Volunteer Base
- Facilitating Mentor Sharing/Panel Discussions
- Volunteer Engagement through Chapter Meetings
- Mentor Education Outside of Chapter Meetings
- Mentor Training Day and other Training Sessions
Branch Manager Functional Responsibilities
- Responsible for all Activities within Their Branch
- Recruiting Clients and Volunteers
- Onboarding Volunteers
- Outreach
- Fundraising
- Scheduling
- Essentially Serve as Vice-Chairs for the Chapter
Advisor Functional Responsibilities
- Key Part of Leadership Team
- Usually Includes Past Chairs and Other Officers
- May Include District Director and/or Asst. DD
- Advise Chapter Chair and Other Officers
- Provide Organizational Know-How
- Often Take On Special Projects
1 comment
it might be helpful to have functional responsibilitiies of the Webmaster position
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