As SCORE continues to use many virtual offerings and prioritizes inclusivity in our services, we've created a national account with a language service provider who can offer interpretation services in 100+ languages. Many thanks to Jennifer Lang, Vice Chair of SCORE North Suburban Cook and Lake Counties, for spearheading this partnership and making it possible!
DuPage Federation's Language Access Resource Center offers virtual options across the US, and in person for the state of Illinois.
For interpretation services:
- Please use the attached LARC Interpreter Request Form that is customized for SCORE. It is computer fillable and you can save and send to LARC directly.
- Please make sure to note the time zone for the "Time of Appointment" entry
- If the connection access (Zoom, Google Meet, etc.) information is not available at the time when you submit the request, please use email address for the invite. Send us the connection access information as soon as possible to the same email address, noting the appt. number in the subject line.
- For all correspondence regarding appointments, including the initial request, please use the email. It is a shared email, all of us in the office have access to it. Using that for LARC related matters can prevent delay in response in case if any of us are away from the office.
DuPage will provide you with a quote, which will be invoiced to SCORE HQ directly to be applied from the chapter account.
Resources provided from DuPage:
- Being Bi-lingual is not Enough
- Telephonic Interpretation Language List
- DuPage Federation_LARC Translation information
About LARC language services:
- Video Remote Interpretation. Our local interpreters will connect via various platforms and apps of your choice (Zoom, Google Hangout Meets,, etc.), to serve your language needs remotely with voice or video participation.
- We offer face-to-face interpretation in person in over 40 languages, including American Sign Language (ASL). Requests for face-to-face interpreting may be made through several convenient formats, including an online scheduling system.
- Telephonic interpretation In conjunction with our telephonic partner we provide telephonic interpretation in over 200 languages. Clients are provided with their own toll-free number to call for immediate access to a telephonic interpreter.
- Document translations are available in all languages. We also provide transcribing of audio and creating subtitles for your videos. Qualified professional translators with extensive experience are utilized for our translations. We provide translations covering a wide variety of subject matter with prompt turnaround. The cost depends on the length and complexity of the text and if any additional editing/formatting is involved or not. Please send your file for a quote. We will review the file and get back to you with a quote and TAT. We will only proceed with the translation if you approve the cost and TAT.
- Trainings. Rigorous interpreter trainings are offered multiple times a year. Currently we offer online trainings, workshops, and continuing education opportunities for trained professional interpreters and staff language liaisons. Through our interpreter training model, no charge interpreters may be available to you as well.
Sign Language Request Form
The SBA Office of Diversity, Inclusion & Civil Rights may be able to assist SCORE with access to sign language interpreters for mentoring and workshops. You must complete the Sign Language Interpreting Request Form as soon as soon as the need is known or no less than two weeks before the service is needed. The form should be returned by email to the address at the bottom of the form. The SCORE Association (HQ) is able to cover 50% of the American Sign Language Interpretation fees for the chapter.
Click here for the ASL request form.**
**When submitting this request to the SBA office, please copy your local SBA District Director on the ASL/interpreter request, along with so that we can help expedite your requests.**
Alternative language service providers include:
- Language Intelligence, contact Rick White (
- Transperfect, contact Jacqueline Hutton (
- Lighthouse Translations, contact Edwin Alicea (
**Please note, Language Intelligence, Transperfect, and Lighthouse Translations do not have SCORE National Accounts set up at this time.**
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