How to Create a Local Event
Event Details Tab
Title: Enter the name of your event. This will appear as the page title. This also populates the page heading, breadcrumb and URL. Appears as link name when content is referenced on the site.
Subtitle: This is optional. It will appear beneath the page title. It does not appear in teaser text.
Summary: This is the plain text summary that appears in teasers. Only the first 180 characters will appear on the workshop page and node references. If no summary is entered then the first 180 characters of the body field is displayed.
Body: This is where you will put the full description of your local event.
Image: (Optional) This image should reflect the page and event content. It will appear on the left side of the page (desktop view) and will also appear on the workshop page above or beside the teaser text. Please make sure that all images uploaded are at least 700px on the shortest side. Smaller images cannot be cropped and lose quality when increased in size. Files must be less than 50 MB. Allowed file types: png gif jpg, or jpeg.
Duration: (Optional) Free text field describing how long the event lasts. Enter as “minutes: seconds” “hour: minutes” or “1 hour”
Registration Link: This should only be used with live events. Enter the external URL to your third party registration. This can be a Constant Contact link, Zoom registration link, chamber website link, or other event registration page.
Local events do not need to complete the following fields:
- Video Link
- YouTube Video/Video URL
- Presentation Link
- Presentation Width
- Presentation Height
Short Description: Do Not Enter Text Here. This description is synced from Constant Contact for Local Workshops and should not be used for other Event Types. If no page body is filled out, the value of this field will be used instead.
Date and Location Tab
Show End Date checkbox: If you want to display the end date or end time of an event, check this box.
Date: Enter the start date of the Event.
Time: Enter the event start time.
Timezone: Drop-down to select the time zone for this event.
Location Name: A description of the Location name, such as “Main Street Library”
Address 1: Text Field for first address line
Address 2: Text Field for second address line
City, State, Zip: Enter in applicable details.
Vocabularies Tab
Event Type: Select Local Event
Topics: Select the business topic(s) that apply. Select the main topics only. Refrain from selecting every topic.
Business Stage (Optional): Select the stages that apply. If it applies to all business stages, select all business stages.
Entrepreneur Type (Optional) Select the best Entrepreneur Types for this event. Only select an entrepreneur type if the content speaks specifically to the audience. For example, a workshop on Facebook for Small Businesses might apply to women, minorities, veterans, etc., but it does not speak specifically to those groups. If you were hosting a Franchising for Veterans workshop, you would select Veteran entrepreneurs from the list.
Sponsor: If the event is sponsored, create the sponsor first, then select the appropriate sponsor from the drop-down list. The Sponsor Information will display below the page body. See the Sponsors section of the webmaster guide to learn how to create a sponsor.
Industries: (Optional) Select the appropriate Industry types that apply to this event. Only select an industry if the event speaks specifically to this audience.
Referenced Content Tab
You may select content that you want to have appear as “related content” on the page. This could be Related Workshops or Related Resources. You can change the title that appears then select two resources to display beneath it.
For example, if you’re hosting a business plan workshop, you might want to recommend the business plan for startups and the business plan for established businesses.
Related Content Title: (Optional) Enter a new title to replace the default “Related Content” text above the referenced nodes.
Related Content Node Reference: This is allows you to lookup existing content in the system; begin typing the first few letters of the node title to reveal a drop-down of possible matches for your selection.
Presenter: To associate a presenter with a workshop, you must first create an author profile. See the Author Profile section of the webmaster guide to learn how to create an author.
Once the author profile has been created, you can return to this page and add them as a presenter. Move to the presenter field. Begin typing the first few letters of the author’s name to select them from the drop-down list of matches. This will add them as a presenter on the event.
Related Resources
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