Volunteer profiles are an important tool to help clients connect with mentors for help with their business. All Active Mentors profiles are searchable on www.score.org and all local websites to not only better serve our clients, but also to increase your ability to identify expertise. As part of the Onboarding, all active volunteers should complete their SCORE Profile in Engage.
1.) From the homepage, select My Profile from the top navigation bar.
2.) Then, click the Edit button.
3.) Volunteer Name and Chapter - Required fields in this section include your First Name and LastName. Use the scroll bar on the right to scroll down to the other information in your profile. For Mac Users, make sure that the scrollbar is always set to show.
Emeritus Status: Emeritus is no longer a volunteer status but can still be an identity from a volunteer's profile. To properly use this field (by selecting YES from the drop-down options), the volunteer status needs to be marked as Resigned. Emeritus members do not have access to Engage.
Inactive Override: Your coach or the Chapter Manager or the Volunteer Intake Coordinator can move your status to Inactive and you can stay Inactive for 90-days. After 90 days, you can still extend your Inactive status to an additional 60 or 90 days by using this field.
5.) Contact Details - Your SCORE Email account is listed in this section. You can modify your Personal Email address on the field provided and then indicate your Preferred Contact Method to be set as Email, Phone, or Text. Optionally, you can also enter a Secondary Phone number and Fax number.
6.) Mentors Request Settings
The Mentor Request Settings is where you would tailor your preferences for receiving direct requests, including specifying a maximum number of requests that you wish to receive per week. Additionally, you can pause assignments from the Client Intake Coordinator (CIC) during vacations or whenever you need a break from receiving requests from the CIC. This section also provides you a function to allow your clients to self schedule by linking your scheduling tools in the fields provided. Furthermore, this section includes fields that show direct client requests, accepted assignments, and total assignments within a weekly timeframe.
Accept Direct Requests: Checking this box will allow you to receive mentoring requests directly from a client. When you update your profile to accept direct requests, you will receive e-mail notifications directly from the client through SCORE’s website. When you check Accept Direct Requests:
Please indicate the number of requests you agree to accept weekly in the Maximum direct client weekly requests field: Leave blank for unlimited requests.
Request Limit Reached: This check box will automatically be checked when your weekly request limit has been reached and automatically resets at midnight on Sunday.
Direct Client Requests last 7 days: This shows the number of direct requests a mentor has received in the last 7 days.
It is not necessary to uncheck this field manually. The system will automatically make your online profile in our website as not available when Pause Mentoring Assignments is enabled. For more information, view this guide - Mentor Profile Visibility On the Website.
Allow Client to Self Schedule: Dependencies in using this feature includes
Serve Clients Outside of Local Area: This field does not affect anything on your online profile.
When Yes is selected, your name will appear in the Co-Mentor list when user is searching Outside Area filter
When No is selected, your name may not appear in the Outside Area filter but your name will appear in the All Chapters filter.
Send Not Counseled Report Email: Mentors can check this option to receive a weekly reminder with a list of their client requests without any sessions.
Pause Mentor Assignments checkbox: The checkbox is activated/deactivated depending on the entered dates for Start and End dates for the Pause Mentor Assignment.
Pause Mentor Assignments Start Date: Please indicate the date to start the Pause Assignment schedule. This is the date your name will be removed from the CIC's Assignment Page so they will not be able to assign a mentoring request case to you.
Pause Mentor Assignments End Date: Please indicate the date you are available to resume client assignments. Please delete the date once you are available to resume client assignments. View additional info on How to Pause Mentor Assignment here.
Pause Mentor Assignments Time (in Days): The number of days the mentor has paused mentor assignments.
Num of Assignment Last 7 Days: The number of mentor requests assigned to a mentor in the last 7 days. It includes all assignment records, from both direct requests and CIC assignments.
7.) Volunteer Profile Information Displayed on the Website
When setting up your volunteer mentor profile on SCORE's websites, remember that your profile, as an active mentor, will always be visible, highlighting key elements such as your name, chapter, the languages you speak, and a summary of how you can assist SCORE clients. Additionally, your areas of expertise, industry experience, preferred mentoring methods, and profile picture will be showcased. A unique link to your profile is also provided, allowing for easy sharing with potential clients.
Your online Volunteer ProfileURL is provided in this section of your profile. You can share this direct link with your clients too.
Fluent Languages: Select from the available language list by clicking the language and click the arrow to move your selected item to the right. To select multiple options, press the CTRL key and click (for Windows) or press the Command key and click (for Mac).
Enter your Profile Summary in this field. This is a required field for all volunteers. There is a 10,000 character limit in this field. And this field shows up as How I Can Help You on your online profile. For reference, please check out the Profile Best Practices.
Subject Matter Expertise: Enter keywords and phrases separated by a comma that best describe your expertise. This field is used by the Client Intake Coordinator to find the best match between a Mentor and a Client. This also helps Mentors find expertise that they may not have to help a client.
Areas of Expertise and Industry Experience: Select from the available option listed on the left box, then click the arrow to move your selected items to the right. You are required to choose at least one Area of Expertise and Industry Experience.
Mentoring Methods: You can identify your mentoring methods by selecting all options or at least one from the available list. All Active Mentors and Subject Matter Experts must have at least one Mentoring Method. Also, selecting Email, Phone, and/or Video mentoring methods extend your mentoring coverage to other zip codes.
Education (Details): Enter your educational background in this field. This is also the best place where you can add your industry-specific certifications. There is a 32,768 character limit in this text field. This is an optional field.
Mentoring Info Complete - Mentoring Info Complete (not shown in the screenshot but located at the bottom of this section) - This field tallies all the data entered in the required fields in this section. A Yes indicates that all fields, except for the Subject Matter Expertise field, have been completed. This requirement applies only to those classified as Mentors and Subject Matter Experts.
8.) Address Information - Enter your mailing address and secondary address on the text boxes provided. Your address information is not shared or visible on SCORE's websites.
9.) Volunteer Demographics
Please select the option that best describes your race, gender, ethnicity, etc. If you do not wish to select from the provided options, you may choose 'Choose Not To Respond.' The fields for race and gender have been expanded to include a broader range of choices. Additionally, there is an optional free text field for a self-description that further clarifies your identity.
Note: This section is required as part of the onboarding requirements for provisionals. All fields are required to be completed by all classifications.
Work Experience: You can share your work experience by entering it in the text field provided. This will not be visible in your online profile. And there is a 32,768 character limit in this text field. You can also copy and paste your resume to this field.
Demographic Info Complete - This field computes the inputs for the required fields within the Volunteer Demographics section. A Yes signifies that all fields, excluding the Spouse Name field, are filled in. This is required for all classifications.
10.) Social Media Information - This section is best used to share your social media channels. This is not used to promote your business. The information entered here will not be shown on SCORE's websites.
11.) System Information - This next section provides information specific to your profile in Engage such as your completed training modules. The fields in these sections are not editable on your profile page. To complete your training requirements, you should Access the Online Learning link from the homepage.
The System Information section (see image below) also shows the Number of Accepted Assignments Last 60days and the Code of Ethics Due Date. Also in this section are the fields showing your Active Positions and which chapters you are serving these active positions.
Profile Picture
All Active Mentors must have a photo associated with their account. Here are the steps to upload a picture to your profile page in Engage.
Recommendation: Your photo looks best on the website if they are in landscape orientation with your head occupying no more than 75% of the height of the photo. Also, please upload a high-resolution photo which should have at least 300 ppi (pixels per inch).
1.) From your Profile page, click Upload Picture.
2.) Click Choose a file and this will allow you to select a photo from your local device. All image files are supported including .gif, .jpg, and .png
3.) After you select the right image file, the filename will show up in place of the previous 'Choose a file' button. Then, click Upload. The system will automatically upload the image and save the changes
Volunteer Profile Review Requirements
All volunteers are encouraged to update their Volunteer Profiles annually.
Volunteer Profile FAQs for Engage
Common Concerns and Answers:
Make my profile visible on the website. -- Mentor profile detail page is published on the website, so you can view it by going directly to the URL. -- Mentor will appear in "Our Mentors" content band, and you can click their image/name to go to their profile detail page. -- This does NOT directly affect whether the mentor shows up in National or Chapter mentor searches. That is based on the items below.
The direct request and pause settings are adjustable in the Engage system. For instructions on how to adjust these settings, please refer to How to: Update Your Profile (Engage).
The table below outlines where profiles will appear on the website and the public-facing messaging on the profile. Please note that the "Availability = MRE" limits correspond to direct requests only at this time.
Global Search (NEW - previously, paused profiles appeared everywhere.)
This mentor is not available at this time. (NEW)
Browse similar mentors (NEW)
More FAQs
1) Can volunteer profiles go live without a picture uploaded?
Yes. Engage will post your online profile if you are an Active (status) Mentor (classification).
2) Can volunteer profiles go live without the “How Can You Help SCORE Clients” section completed?
No. This is a required field for all active mentors.
3) Can volunteer profiles go live without selecting up to 6 skills and 6 industries?
Yes. Engage only requires a minimum of one selection for each skill and industry field.
4) Can volunteer profiles go live without making a preferred language(s) selection?
No. Engage requires having at least one selection in this field.
5) Can volunteers choose Email, Video, or Phone mentoring without having the Business Advice Now certification?
Yes. Email Mentoring is no longer a required or available training in Engage. Mentors can now select any of the four Mentoring Methods - email, in person, phone, video.
6) Is the headquarters staff notified when a profile goes live?
No. Engage automatically puts your profile online if you meet the criteria of being an Active (status) Mentor (classification).
7) What happens if changes/updates are not made within the time frame? What is the timeframe?
The headquarters staff will review your online profile to ensure that it is within the standards of SCORE. We will contact you if changes or improvements are needed. We spot check live profiles from time to time and will email mentors if we find anything that needs correction.
8) Can I call or email National for help making changes/updates to my profile?
The National Advisory Council (NAC) has provided the guidelines on how to complete and optimize your profile, Profile Best Practices - Guideline. If you need additional assistance, please contact engage@score.org.
4/12/2024 Update: Added new screenshots for Volunteer profiles and demographics, showcasing expanded selections and additional fields. Also, updated theVolunteer Profile FAQs section with new rules and a table on profile visibility on the website.
1/24/2023 - Updated: New screenshot added on Mentor Request Settings settings and added/updated information on - Allow clients to Self Schedule, Serve Clients Outside of Local Area, Num of Assignment Last 7 days.
4/12/2024 Update: Added new screenshots for Volunteer profiles and demographics, showcasing expanded selections and additional fields. Also, updated theVolunteer Profile FAQs section with new rules and a table on profile visibility on the website.
This article has been updated to include the change/s in the Onboarding Requirements.
The article has been updated to correct the link on how to request a classification change for active volunteers.
4/12/2023 - Updated the screenshot on the image replacement when a mentor's profile picture is missing.
1/24/2023 - Updated: New screenshot added on Mentor Request Settings settings and added/updated information on - Allow clients to Self Schedule, Serve Clients Outside of Local Area, Num of Assignment Last 7 days.
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