Audience: Coach, Volunteer Intake Coordinator, Chapter Manager
Once a prospective volunteer has completed the interview phase and is accepted by the chapter, they move to provisional status. The provisional volunteer will receive a welcome email and passport to the system. The provisional period lasts 90 days and it is during this time that the volunteer needs to complete all onboarding requirements.
Note: To view the full list of notifications for the Volunteer Journey, click here. (You must be signed into your account.)
Table of Contents:
Volunteer Intake Coordinator
- Onboarding Process
- How to Change Provisional's Classification
- Notes for the Coach
- How to Add a Coach Comment
- How to Add a Co-Mentor
- Extend Provisional Onboarding Timeline
- How to Update your Profile in Engage (Volunteer)
For Volunteer Intake Coordinators
Assigning a Coach
Policy change: Volunteer Intake Coordinators will be notified of the acceptance of an applicant, prompting them to login to Engage and assign a Coach.
The Volunteer Intake Coordinator is responsible for assigning a coach to provisional volunteers. Once a coach is assigned, the volunteer and coach are notified via email. The volunteer is able to review and begin new training requirements and the Coach guides the Provisional volunteer in completing the Onboarding Checklist.
1) From the Home Page, select Applications by Status.
2) Type ‘provisional’ into the search box to find the correct record. Once identified, click View. You may also search them by name.
3) On the application record page, click the Assign Coach button.
4) Check the box next to the name of the Coach you would like to assign and click Next.
5) When you get the confirmation text on the page, click Finish. The system will now send a notification email to the assigned Coach. And another email will be sent to the applicant relaying the information about their Coach. You can review the email notification sample here.
6) To view the current Coach assignment, scroll down on the applicant record page to the ‘Training Coach Assigned’ section.
Note: The Volunteer Intake Coordinator can change the Coach assignment at any time by going through the same steps indicated in this guide.
For Coaches
Onboarding Process
1) Review the following resources:
- Role of a Coach
- Onboarding Checklist
- Onboarding should be accomplished during the 90-day provisional period. Click here to see how to extend onboarding timing.
2) To view applications where you are assigned as a Coach, click Coach Applications from the Engage homepage.
3) You will then be able to view all provisional volunteers assigned to you and as their Coach, you can click View to open their application details page.
4) Once on the provisional volunteer’s application page, update the application by clicking the drop-down arrow and clicking Update Application.
5) Assign the correct Training Classification. Then, mark the requirements on this window as Completed or Not Completed. Click Save when done.
6) Review the Volunteer Onboarding Requirements section. Guide the provisional on how to complete online requirements and their volunteer profile page.
When the All Onboarding Requirements field shows Complete, the system will automatically set the volunteer to Active.
How to Change the Training Classification for Provisional Volunteers
1) Search Volunteer in Engage.
2) On their Profile page, scroll down and click View on the Volunteer Application.
3) On the application page, click the drop-down arrow and select Update Application.
4) Then change the Training Classification by selecting one of the options from the drop-down menu.
5) Click Save and the changes will reflect immediately. Review the Training Classification field on the application page.
Watch these steps in action here.
Notes for the Coach
1) A Coach needs to update the application to assign the correct Training Classification.
2) A Coach needs to update the application to mark the following onboarding requirements as Completed or Not Completed.
Overview of SCORE & Local Resources could include the following topics:
- Discussion about SCORE
- Technical Training
- Introduction to SCORE Leaders
- Local Chapter Orientation
- Review SCORE Resources
3) A Coach needs to review that the provisional volunteer has completed their Volunteer Profile according to their classification.
Note: For Mentors and Subject Matter Expert classifications, they need to update and complete this section on their profile page: Volunteer Profile Information Displayed on the Website
And all classifications are required to complete this section on their profile page. Volunteer Demographics
Here's the full guide on how to access the profile page in Engage: How to: Update Your Profile (Engage)
Add a Coach Comment
A Coach may want to keep notes on how the volunteer is tracking against their training goals, note feedback on interests and trainings, or log notes from meetings. Coaches can now do this on the Volunteer’s Application.
- Coaches can enter notes on the volunteer’s Application. From the related list on the right, click the New button under Coach Comments.
- Type the note in the text box field and click Save & New if you have an additional note to enter, or click Save to exit.
- To edit an existing note, click the drop-down arrow
next to the note and select Edit.
- Edit your comment and click Save when done.
Add a Provisional as a Co-Mentor
For provisional volunteers who have selected Mentor as a classification, they are required to complete 3 co-mentoring sessions. They can be added as co-mentors by their coach or by another lead mentor.
Co-mentors can be added at the time the original session is entered or by editing an existing session. Below are the steps for adding the co-mentor by editing an existing session.
Note: Engage will only allow you to edit a session within the current month. It locks the session after the 5th of the next month.
- Follow steps 1-10 of Recording a Mentoring Session. Or, if the session has already been created, follow steps of Edit a Mentoring Session.
- Check the box to Add hours for Co-Mentor 1 and click Next.
- Search the mentor by name and check the box next to their name to be selected. Then click Next. You can only add one co-mentor at a time.
- Add the session hours (prep hours, travel hours) for the co-mentor and click Next.
- To add another Co-Mentor, click the Add a Co-Mentor button again. Otherwise, click Next.
- You can now exit by clicking the X button on the top right or continue to follow the prompts to update client information and/or the client's business information when applicable.
Extend Provisional Onboarding Timeline
Note: A Coach, Volunteer Intake Coordinator, or Chapter Manager can extend a volunteer’s onboarding timeline by an additional 60-90 days.
- Access the Volunteer’s application page and select Update Application.
- Locate the Provisional Onboarding Override field. Select ‘Extra 60 days’ or ‘Extra 90 days’, and then click Save.
Relevant Resources: |
This article has been updated to include the change/s in the Onboarding Requirements.
Also please check the section about NOTES for the Coach.
03/01/2023 - udpated screenshots with the new onboarding layout: Discussion about SCORE, Technical Training, Introduction to SCORE Leaders, Local Chapter Orientation, Review SCORE Resources have been simplified as Overview of SCORE & Local Resources
added new section -How to Change Provisional's Classification
7/31/2023 - Removed Add Task section, feature is currently not available.
need a version for 1SP - Coach role and tasks have changed in 1SP Pilot Regions
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