Download Chapter Meeting Guide
1.0 Introduction
Successful chapter meetings are key to volunteer engagement.While monthly meetings are an opportunity to conduct the business of the chapter and to inform members of the ongoing activities and news, successful meetings embrace much more of the SCORE culture and values.
Our values state that volunteers matter, and these meetings, where networking and fellowship are encouraged, where volunteers get to know and like their fellow members, develop the sense of belonging to a group whose values we share. People stay in organizations where they have friends. Developing those friendships is key to volunteer engagement.
Our values also state that lifelong learning matters. Opportunities to learn are part of every successful meeting, whether through outside speakers, member and/or client presentations, or group discussions. As Alvin Toffler, the author of Future Shockobserved, "The illiterate of the 21st Century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.” Staying relevant is key to the long-term success of SCORE.
2.0 Chapter Meeting
Chapter meetings include regularly scheduled monthly meetings, special volunteer recognition events, client award events, training days and other celebratory gatherings.
2.1 Monthly Meeting
Many chapters find it challenging to hold interesting, well planned monthly meeting with high volunteer turnout. While it is the responsibility of members to attend as many chapter meetings as possible, boring or non-productive meetings discourage attendance. It is the responsibility of chapter leadership to conduct meetings that encourage turnout, engage members and foster a learning environment. It can be done with some planning and effort. It starts with the location, scheduling and access to appropriate technology for the space, and then addresses the necessary components of a successful meeting: networking, business and learning.
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