How to Access Online Learning
Note: To have a hassle-free experience without encountering any pop-up problems, we strongly recommend using the Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge browsers when accessing SCORE Training.
1) Log in to Engage at
2) From the Engage homepage, click Access Online Learning on the right column, under the Volunteer Training section.
3) This will take you to the SCORE Training Homepage.
In case you receive a message to disable a pop-up blocker preventing SCORE Training from launching, you can follow these instructions here to disable that pop-up blocker and access the SCORE site:
4) All Courses are located on the Homepage, scroll down. Click on a module to start the course of your choice.
Note: For new provisional members, the required modules during your first 90 days of onboarding are determined by role here: Onboarding Process for All Volunteers
5) To register for the course, click Register.
6) Then, click Start.
6) Select the training link to start the video or to view the training document.
7) After viewing all the pages in the training module, you can exit from the training window/tab. Note that tabbing out of the presentation will stop the presentation from playing. When done, you should see a checkmark on the required training module and your progress will show 100%.
For Mozilla Users Only:
Step 8) Due to a recent update with Firefox Mozilla, our users are required to do this next step. When a module opens and it's loading, click anywhere on the page to load the page.
How to View Completed Courses
1) Log in to Engage at
2) From the Engage homepage, select My Completed Courses.
3) The page will show the details of the courses you've completed on the Online Learning/SCORE Training page.
Relevant Resources:
How to Disable Common Pop-up Blockers
1 comment
8/19/2022- Updated guide to include a special instruction for Firefox Mozilla users.
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