SCORE Chapters may solicit sponsorships to support specific events and projects. Any support from sponsors must be recognized, however any acknowledgement must also adhere to the standards in the Sponsor Recognition/Acknowledgement section below. Chapters should notify the SCORE Vice President of Field Operations and their District Director before soliciting or accepting a gift of funds more than $10,000 from any one contributor in one year.
In accordance with IRS guidelines, SCORE may not sell advertisements to sponsors; however chapters may utilize SCORE publication mediums to recognize a sponsor’s contribution to another project. Unallowable advertising includes:
- Messages containing qualitative or comparative language, price information, or other indication of savings or value;
- Endorsements;
- Inducements to purchase, sell, or use products or services.
Correct Recognition Practices
Chapters MAY recognize their sponsors and donors by posting the name and/or logo and a link to the organization's main website. For example, if a company donates to a chapter, the chapter may recognize the donation by listing the name or linked logo on a "Sponsored By" page on the chapter website. If a company sponsor's an event, the chapter may recognize the donation by listing the name or linked logo on a "thank you to our sponsors" slide at the event.
Incorrect Recognition Practices
Sponsor acknowledgement MAY NOT include advertising the sponsor's products or services (including messages containing qualitative or comparative language, price information, or other indications of savings or value, an endorsement, or an inducement to purchase, sell, or use such products or services).
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